Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and got cool gifts. I didn't do too badly with getting Imperial Armour Volumes 5-7, the Seige of Vraks, compilation with maps/posters. I'll post pictures when I have the posters up. Now, onto the topic at hand; Here are the proposed games for the new year so you will have time to build/paint/customize:
January: By popular demand, Planetstrike! Tyranids incoming (new Codex lands around the planned game date)!
February: Fantasy Battle, because we haven't played in a while
March: 40K, just a couple of games to break up the Apoc games we've been having
April: Fantasy Teams - Adepticon 2009 scenarios for teams. 2 Player teams, only need 1000pts per player.
May: Turkey Hunter Tourney - Fantasy Tournament (Who's the best WHFB General?); Adepticon 2010 scenarios
June: 40k Apoc
July: Race Day - Bring both a 40K and FB single model. This is a deathmatch race to the finish line. Details to come later.
Aug: 40K Teams, 2 Player teams, 1000pts per player.
Sept: Adeptus Turkiecus - 40K Tournament, Adepticon 2010 Scenarios
Oct: Zombie Hunt - Fantasy, single model/survivor
November: Turkey Hunt - 40K, single squad or model (TBD)
December: Revenge of the Snowmen, Santa's Return (Apoc or Fantasy Legendary battles)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
White Scars Pictures
Again, by popular demand, here are a couple of pictures of my White Scars. There are some battle damage from playing at the Tourney and I haven't repaired them yet.

This is my Storm Seer Librarian. He was originally a White Scars Commander, but I shaved his topknot and blade from the staff off. I placed a shoulderpad over his head after I filed down the sides and drilled 2 openings on top to represent a psychic hood. For the force staff, I placed a Space Wolf head on top with 2 SW tails along the sides. A little green stuff to help secure the three items. I added some more green stuff down the staff too. Got a couple of complements for this conversion.

This is my standard bearer. I used a Bretonnian standard from the Knights of the Realm box and mounted it to the base of the bike antenna. Got a lot of attention from other modelers, with at one of the GK veterans confirming that he's stealing this conversion idea.

Here's the army lead by the Kor'Sarro Khan on the left and his Storm Seer on the right. Behind them is the command squad, and behind that is Tactical Squad 3 (Combat) with their Twin-linked Heavy Bolter Razorback. On the left is Bike Squad 1, with the Powerfist Sergeant leading a full squad with 2 plasmaguns and a heavy bolter attack bike. On the right is Bike Squad 2, with a multimelta attack bike, 2 meltaguns, and a powerfist sergeant. Behind the Razorback is 3 autocannon equiped Predators. Flanking the army is the 2 Land Speeder Typhoons with heavy bolter and missile launchers.

This is my Storm Seer Librarian. He was originally a White Scars Commander, but I shaved his topknot and blade from the staff off. I placed a shoulderpad over his head after I filed down the sides and drilled 2 openings on top to represent a psychic hood. For the force staff, I placed a Space Wolf head on top with 2 SW tails along the sides. A little green stuff to help secure the three items. I added some more green stuff down the staff too. Got a couple of complements for this conversion.
This is my standard bearer. I used a Bretonnian standard from the Knights of the Realm box and mounted it to the base of the bike antenna. Got a lot of attention from other modelers, with at one of the GK veterans confirming that he's stealing this conversion idea.
Here's the army lead by the Kor'Sarro Khan on the left and his Storm Seer on the right. Behind them is the command squad, and behind that is Tactical Squad 3 (Combat) with their Twin-linked Heavy Bolter Razorback. On the left is Bike Squad 1, with the Powerfist Sergeant leading a full squad with 2 plasmaguns and a heavy bolter attack bike. On the right is Bike Squad 2, with a multimelta attack bike, 2 meltaguns, and a powerfist sergeant. Behind the Razorback is 3 autocannon equiped Predators. Flanking the army is the 2 Land Speeder Typhoons with heavy bolter and missile launchers.
Game Kastle Tourney Armies
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Game Kastle Tournament Results
So I was able to make it to the tourney, with only 5 hours of sleep total from Thursday night to Saturday's tourney. I was able to complete the army, built with only one landspeeder not undercoated. However, I'm going to have to make a lot of repairs after this event, the bikes weren't nearly as secure on their bases as I would have liked and some of riders arms need repairs. The rest of the repairs will be needed to the army list and my ego.
We played the Adepticon 09 scenarios in sequence. The armies I saw was Tau, Ultramarines, and Space Wolves. The majority of the players has Space Marines or MEq types. The terrain was closer to 1/2 to 3/5 of the 6x4 table was covered with LOS blockers. The number of buildings was also a surprise.
The first game was against a Sniper Tau army. Three 2-suit squads of Broadsides was the core, with another 3 squads of 2 crisis suits (plasma rifle and missile pods) supporting an 8-man pathfinder squad with Devilfish, 2 12-man Fire Warrior squads, 1 Devilfish, and 2 12-man Kroot. Round 1 saw one of my bike squads flee off the table after failing their morale. In the end, too many small units and too little time (only played 4 rounds) didn't allow the bikes to get into position to roll up through the backfield. Total score: 0 pts.
Game 2, pick up match since someone left after the 1st round. The player is known to be a "cheese" specialist. Ultramarines with a Master of the Forge and a Thunder Cannon with 3 Razorbacks mounted with Las/TL Plasma, 2 Land Speeder Storms with Scout Squads with Missile Launchers and Powerfists, 2 Plasma Dreadnoughts, 1 Ironclad, and 1 Venerable Dread. I was able to pop a Dread, Land Speeder, and the Thunder Cannon. Otherwise, I lost a Speeder, 1 full bike squad, a Razorback, the Librarian, a Pred, and the Command Sqd. Turn 4 determined that the goal was highest number of scoring units in the middle. We finished by Turn 5 with most of his army within 12 inches of the middle and my army looking in at 2 Techmarines holding the center with tactical marines inside their Razorbacks. Total score: 0 points.
Game 3 was against a Ragnar Blackmane led armored spearhead. A LR Crusader with a 3 Lascannon Pred, 2 Las Razorbacks, a Dread with Drop pod, and Vindicator. Not really sure what infantry was being carried. They only came out to hold an objective, or to deal biker death to me. In the end, he strung 1 Grey Hunters unit across 2 objectives, and parked his combat squads on the remaining 2 objectives. I was blown off the field of play by piecemeal due to my terrible reserves rolling. Total score: 0 points.
I went perfect for the day and I've learned quite a bit about tournement 40k army builds. Not sure if I want to do it again, I'd have to really think about it. No swag either, the random draws for $25 gift cards didn't land in my pocket. The players were nice, the 3rd player felt terrible about blowing my army away in 1.5 hours (2 hour sessions). Only about 1/3 of the players were regulars at GK, according to my opponents. I did take some pictures, so I'll post them up later. Top 3 were Orks in 1st, and 2 armies tied for 2nd (1 was CSM: Nurgle?, didn't hear the other one). Best painted was an Ork army.
Next up, Santa's Workshop apoc game.
We played the Adepticon 09 scenarios in sequence. The armies I saw was Tau, Ultramarines, and Space Wolves. The majority of the players has Space Marines or MEq types. The terrain was closer to 1/2 to 3/5 of the 6x4 table was covered with LOS blockers. The number of buildings was also a surprise.
The first game was against a Sniper Tau army. Three 2-suit squads of Broadsides was the core, with another 3 squads of 2 crisis suits (plasma rifle and missile pods) supporting an 8-man pathfinder squad with Devilfish, 2 12-man Fire Warrior squads, 1 Devilfish, and 2 12-man Kroot. Round 1 saw one of my bike squads flee off the table after failing their morale. In the end, too many small units and too little time (only played 4 rounds) didn't allow the bikes to get into position to roll up through the backfield. Total score: 0 pts.
Game 2, pick up match since someone left after the 1st round. The player is known to be a "cheese" specialist. Ultramarines with a Master of the Forge and a Thunder Cannon with 3 Razorbacks mounted with Las/TL Plasma, 2 Land Speeder Storms with Scout Squads with Missile Launchers and Powerfists, 2 Plasma Dreadnoughts, 1 Ironclad, and 1 Venerable Dread. I was able to pop a Dread, Land Speeder, and the Thunder Cannon. Otherwise, I lost a Speeder, 1 full bike squad, a Razorback, the Librarian, a Pred, and the Command Sqd. Turn 4 determined that the goal was highest number of scoring units in the middle. We finished by Turn 5 with most of his army within 12 inches of the middle and my army looking in at 2 Techmarines holding the center with tactical marines inside their Razorbacks. Total score: 0 points.
Game 3 was against a Ragnar Blackmane led armored spearhead. A LR Crusader with a 3 Lascannon Pred, 2 Las Razorbacks, a Dread with Drop pod, and Vindicator. Not really sure what infantry was being carried. They only came out to hold an objective, or to deal biker death to me. In the end, he strung 1 Grey Hunters unit across 2 objectives, and parked his combat squads on the remaining 2 objectives. I was blown off the field of play by piecemeal due to my terrible reserves rolling. Total score: 0 points.
I went perfect for the day and I've learned quite a bit about tournement 40k army builds. Not sure if I want to do it again, I'd have to really think about it. No swag either, the random draws for $25 gift cards didn't land in my pocket. The players were nice, the 3rd player felt terrible about blowing my army away in 1.5 hours (2 hour sessions). Only about 1/3 of the players were regulars at GK, according to my opponents. I did take some pictures, so I'll post them up later. Top 3 were Orks in 1st, and 2 armies tied for 2nd (1 was CSM: Nurgle?, didn't hear the other one). Best painted was an Ork army.
Next up, Santa's Workshop apoc game.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

(A space marine is strapped to a table covered in blood.
A robed figure places another sharp knife under the skin of the man on the table, twisting it in.
........AAAGH.........PLEASE..........NO MORE...no more, no more, no more
Let it out brother, it is impurity leaving your body......soon you will know redemption.
The robed figure begins to carve.
AAAGHHHHH............ MERCY.......
But this is the future and there is no mercy here.
The defenses are ancient and impenetrable ........ but there is a shadow in warp.

Imperial Bastion

Icarus pattern lascannon.

Imperial Quad Gun
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Battle for Arrakis: Phase 1
Orangenemo (Tyranids) and IBM (Dark Angels) fought a battle on Saturday.
Points: 1000
Rulebook: Planetstrike
Mission: Forlorn Hope
Attacker: Tyranids
Defender: Dark Angels
Hive Tyrant
Termagaunt Brood (16)
Spinegaunt Brood (14)
Genestealer Brood (9)
Tyranid Warrior Brood (5)
Gargoyle Brood (8)
Spore Mines (5)
Ripper Swarm (5)
Dark Angels:
Tactical Squad Alpha (5)
Tactical Squad Beta (5)
Tactical Squad Delta (10)
Devastator Squad (5)
Attack Bike Squadron (2)
Arrakis, imperial desert planet
An advanced Tyranid strike force is attempting to plant a homing beacon. This guide the first wave of Tyranids in to establish a beachhead on the planet. The Imperium has taken no chances with the defense of key areas of such a valuable planet as Arrakis and have called in the lengendary Dark Angel space marines. Their mission is to prevent the Tyranids from planting this beacon... at all costs.

Awaiting the Tyranid attack they know is coming, two space marines atop the Fortress take the opportunity to break the ice with a particularly grizzled veteran.
"Maximus," whispers one, "get his attention."
"No, you get his attention."
The leather-faced marine overhears his comrades-in-arms and decides to be nice. He decides to initiate the conversation. "So, what do you want to hear? You want to hear about how I once saw a man cut in half by a Leaper, you wanna hear about a man slowly melted by gallons of xeno stomach acid or do you want to hear about Captain Jack?"
"Who is Captain Jack?"
The grizzled veteran looks thoughtfully out beyond the parapets into the distant desert. His eyes lock on some imagined scene unfolding somewhere out there on the plains. "He's a smart bastard, that's what he is. You think xenos are all dumb animals? This one is cunning. I ran into him twice before. Both times I was the only survivor. The last time we met, he gave me this." The man turns and reveals a face half-encased in metal. Embedded in the center of this metal plate is the red lens of a bionic eye. "He likes to get in amongst you and believe me, you don't want him getting close enough to touch. And, you think you are safe here in this fortress? Think again, no fortifications I've ever seen can keep him out. He'll tear this hunk of concrete down around us."
The man pauses for a moment. His eyebrows suddenly arch. He looks upward. The two young marines follow his gaze skyward where a dozen specks now pepper the sky. "That'll be them," says the veteran, "pucker up boys!"
Turn 1:
The Tyranids begin their assault with 6 Firestorms and a spore mine bombardment. The barrage leaves both quad guns on the bastions in smoking ruins, both lascannons destroyed, the whirlwind immobilized and its missle launcher destroyed. Critically, the bastion housing Tactical Squad Beta was pummeled to dust leaving several marine brothers dead, but the squad collects itself and readies for the Tyranid advance.
The Tyranids lose both the spinegaunts and genestealers on the drop, dropping the beacon in the middle of the battlefield.

The Rhino rolls in from the Tyranid deployment area and unloads Tac Squad Delta. The termagaunts go down under a hail of fire.
The rippers suffer horrendous casualties from the devastator squad and Tactical Squad Beta. The Razorback shoots at some rustling leaves in the oasis but seems to have missed the elusive Lictor.
The heavy bolters on the remaining bastion gun down a Warrior.
Turn 2:
The gargoyles drop in, take some shots at Tac Squad Delta and kills a couple marines. Captain Jack charges the Predator and explodes it. The Lictor and rippers charge Tac Squad Beta, the Lictor kills some marines.
The Zoathrope summons the power of the hive mind and explodes the remaining bastion with a warp blast. The Tyranid Warriors shoot down some more marines from Tac Squad Alpha. The combined psychic screams from Captain Jack and the Zoanthrope are too much for Tac Squad Alpha and they flee.
The sergeant in Tac Squad Beta crushes the Lictor with one blow from his powerfist. The remaining ripper is killed by his squadmate. The marine attack bikes zoom onto the board and shoot down the Zoanthrope with their meltaguns and bolters. Tac Squad Delta attempts to wipe out the gargoyles with rapid fire and flames but one gargoyle survives. Devastator shots at the Tyrant are ineffectual.
Tac Squad Alpha remembers that they are marines not guardsmen and rally.
The missile silo opens and a salvo is unleashed on the Warriors who, when the dust settles, are left with one model and one wound.
Turn 3:
The Tyrant grabs the beacon and charges the Fortress attempting to knock it down and subsequently plant the beacon on that objective. The tower proves resilient and resists the pummeling.
The Warrior charges the now rallied Tac Squad Alpha killing one marine. The gargoyle, continuing its delaying tactic, charges Tac Squad Delta doing no wounds but suffering no wounds in return.
Tac Squad Delta finally kills the last gargoyle in close combat. The rhino shoots down a drifting spore mine. The Devastators and the Marine Bikes, which have now moved closer to the Tyrant, unload on the Tyrant. Only the two meltagun shots are able to punch through the Tyrant's Warp Field and deal two wounds to him.
After trading blows back a forth with no result the last marine from Tac Squad Alpha bludgeons the Warrior to death with the butt end of his lascannon.
Turn 4:
The Tyrant tries another tactic and moves onto the missile silo, planting the beacon there. He turns to the Fortress and this time manages to topple it. The Devastator squad inside are reduced to two marines.
The Bikes move in and Tac Squad Beta moves in. The entire marine army unloads fire onto the Tyrant hoping to destroy him but no wounds get through.
In a suicidal charge, Tac Squad Beta engages the Tyrant in close combat only to be slaughtered to a man.
Beacon has been planted and was not cast down in the opponent's turn. Tyranids win.
The veteran looks around at the rubble that was once the mighty fortress. A few meters away are the broken corpses of his two young friends. He shakes his head.
The Tyrant screams. The veteran's ears begin to bleed, but that is the least of his concerns. He knows what is coming. The sunlight dims as overhead thousands of xeno pods blacken the sky.
Points: 1000
Rulebook: Planetstrike
Mission: Forlorn Hope
Attacker: Tyranids
Defender: Dark Angels
Hive Tyrant
Termagaunt Brood (16)
Spinegaunt Brood (14)
Genestealer Brood (9)
Tyranid Warrior Brood (5)
Gargoyle Brood (8)
Spore Mines (5)
Ripper Swarm (5)
Dark Angels:
Tactical Squad Alpha (5)
Tactical Squad Beta (5)
Tactical Squad Delta (10)
Devastator Squad (5)
Attack Bike Squadron (2)
Arrakis, imperial desert planet
An advanced Tyranid strike force is attempting to plant a homing beacon. This guide the first wave of Tyranids in to establish a beachhead on the planet. The Imperium has taken no chances with the defense of key areas of such a valuable planet as Arrakis and have called in the lengendary Dark Angel space marines. Their mission is to prevent the Tyranids from planting this beacon... at all costs.
Awaiting the Tyranid attack they know is coming, two space marines atop the Fortress take the opportunity to break the ice with a particularly grizzled veteran.
"Maximus," whispers one, "get his attention."
"No, you get his attention."
The leather-faced marine overhears his comrades-in-arms and decides to be nice. He decides to initiate the conversation. "So, what do you want to hear? You want to hear about how I once saw a man cut in half by a Leaper, you wanna hear about a man slowly melted by gallons of xeno stomach acid or do you want to hear about Captain Jack?"
"Who is Captain Jack?"
The grizzled veteran looks thoughtfully out beyond the parapets into the distant desert. His eyes lock on some imagined scene unfolding somewhere out there on the plains. "He's a smart bastard, that's what he is. You think xenos are all dumb animals? This one is cunning. I ran into him twice before. Both times I was the only survivor. The last time we met, he gave me this." The man turns and reveals a face half-encased in metal. Embedded in the center of this metal plate is the red lens of a bionic eye. "He likes to get in amongst you and believe me, you don't want him getting close enough to touch. And, you think you are safe here in this fortress? Think again, no fortifications I've ever seen can keep him out. He'll tear this hunk of concrete down around us."
The man pauses for a moment. His eyebrows suddenly arch. He looks upward. The two young marines follow his gaze skyward where a dozen specks now pepper the sky. "That'll be them," says the veteran, "pucker up boys!"
Turn 1:
The Tyranids lose both the spinegaunts and genestealers on the drop, dropping the beacon in the middle of the battlefield.
The rippers suffer horrendous casualties from the devastator squad and Tactical Squad Beta. The Razorback shoots at some rustling leaves in the oasis but seems to have missed the elusive Lictor.
The heavy bolters on the remaining bastion gun down a Warrior.
Turn 2:
The Zoathrope summons the power of the hive mind and explodes the remaining bastion with a warp blast. The Tyranid Warriors shoot down some more marines from Tac Squad Alpha. The combined psychic screams from Captain Jack and the Zoanthrope are too much for Tac Squad Alpha and they flee.
Tac Squad Alpha remembers that they are marines not guardsmen and rally.
The missile silo opens and a salvo is unleashed on the Warriors who, when the dust settles, are left with one model and one wound.
Turn 3:
The Warrior charges the now rallied Tac Squad Alpha killing one marine. The gargoyle, continuing its delaying tactic, charges Tac Squad Delta doing no wounds but suffering no wounds in return.
After trading blows back a forth with no result the last marine from Tac Squad Alpha bludgeons the Warrior to death with the butt end of his lascannon.
Turn 4:
In a suicidal charge, Tac Squad Beta engages the Tyrant in close combat only to be slaughtered to a man.
The veteran looks around at the rubble that was once the mighty fortress. A few meters away are the broken corpses of his two young friends. He shakes his head.
The Tyrant screams. The veteran's ears begin to bleed, but that is the least of his concerns. He knows what is coming. The sunlight dims as overhead thousands of xeno pods blacken the sky.
Battle Report,
Dark Angels,
I Saw Daddy Vaporizing Santa Claus...
I've put up a rudimentary scenario for our next game (19 Dec) up on Google Docs here. Comments, questions, suggestions via the normal channels.
Also, I've set up a poll for based on Orange Nemo's poll (and added in WFRP, since a few of us have played that in the past).
Also, I've set up a poll for based on Orange Nemo's poll (and added in WFRP, since a few of us have played that in the past).
Saturday, December 5, 2009
RPG Session

I've heard murmurings of possibly playing an rpg. I'm curious to see what everyone thinks. I'd be down for any game set in D&D 3.5 (maybe D&D 4th, don't know anything about it though), World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Mortals), Dark Heresy or Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green or regular). Let me see if I can get a poll up and going. I can run a game if needed.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tournament Roster
Hi All,
With encouragement from the wife, I've been bust trying to complete a build and paint of my White Scars army for the Game Kastle 40K Tourney on Dec 12th. It's a 1850 point game using the Adepticon scenarios that we ran for Adeptus Turkeicus. Here's my list that I was considering:
HQ: 700pts
Kor'Sarro Khan with Moondrakken Bike (All units get Outflank, him and his unit get Furious Charge and Counter-attack)
Command Squad on Bikes with Company Standard, Champion, and 3 power swords for the Vets
Epistolary Librarian on Bike, with Might of the Ancients and Vortex of Doom
Troops: 760 pts
2 identical bike squads of 8 with Heavy Bolter Attack Bike, 2 Meltaguns, and a powerfist
Combat squad with powerfist in a Twin-linked Heavy Bolter Razorback
Heavy Support: 210
3 Autocannon Predators with Pintle-mounted Storm Bolters
Fast Attack: 180
2 Land Speeder Typhoons (Missle Launchers)
Thoughts and/or comments? Any recommendations for tactics based on how you did in the tourney?
With encouragement from the wife, I've been bust trying to complete a build and paint of my White Scars army for the Game Kastle 40K Tourney on Dec 12th. It's a 1850 point game using the Adepticon scenarios that we ran for Adeptus Turkeicus. Here's my list that I was considering:
HQ: 700pts
Kor'Sarro Khan with Moondrakken Bike (All units get Outflank, him and his unit get Furious Charge and Counter-attack)
Command Squad on Bikes with Company Standard, Champion, and 3 power swords for the Vets
Epistolary Librarian on Bike, with Might of the Ancients and Vortex of Doom
Troops: 760 pts
2 identical bike squads of 8 with Heavy Bolter Attack Bike, 2 Meltaguns, and a powerfist
Combat squad with powerfist in a Twin-linked Heavy Bolter Razorback
Heavy Support: 210
3 Autocannon Predators with Pintle-mounted Storm Bolters
Fast Attack: 180
2 Land Speeder Typhoons (Missle Launchers)
Thoughts and/or comments? Any recommendations for tactics based on how you did in the tourney?
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Exiled House of Dwynn Fae

The Naid Palace, deep in the heart of Athel Loren, has seen a shift in power. Out are the ancient line of the Dwynne Fae, known for their compassion for not only the forest and the asrai but the Bretonnians that inhabit the lands just outside Athel Loren. The great house of Fickle Thorne has usurped power and now sit on the great Oak Throne. Fickle Thorne despises the humans and sees the House of Dwynne Fae's compassion for them as a critical weakness. The Naid Palace, the Upper Grismere and its tributaries, the Mushroom Forest and even the larger realm of Athel Loren is not safe for those of the Dwynne Fae bloodline as the new rulerson the Oak Throne hunt them down. Princess Lohranna of the House of Dwynne Fae, her brother popularly known as Gloworm and their Dryad pet Brambles, finding their homeland too dangerous, have fled Athel Loren. Hearing that a local village is under attack from violent turkeys, the trio have sprung into action to save the villagers.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Annual Turkey Hunt '09
Rules now posted on Google Docs here:
As usual, comments welcomed.
And on a completely different note, the rules for the Halloween game have been updated. We played Scenario #4.
As usual, comments welcomed.
And on a completely different note, the rules for the Halloween game have been updated. We played Scenario #4.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Zombie Hunter
So I heard through the grapevine that I wasn't diligent in completing my zombie hunter. So, in keeping with the previous naming theme (Plissken), here's Jack Burton, another Kurt Russell character. He'll be using the shotgun and chainsaw/sword in our zombie game. There's still some more greenstuff to complete the look. For use in our games, he's going to be equivalent to Iron Hand Straken for my Pre-Heresy Imperial Army commander attached to a company of Word Bearers, that's the reason for the oversized plasma pistol with the shotgun.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Halloween Scenarios
Here's a few scenarios El Rey de Taco Bell and I have put together for your consideration.
Zombies! (LCHH)
ZombIIes! (XTH)
The latter document has three scenarios, each written with the idea to be compatible with both 40k and Fantasy skirmish (though the Basic Rules wereshamelessly ripped inspired by Lord Chihuahua's doc, which is more 40K). I imagine the first doc is probably cross-compatible with Fantasy as well, with a bit of tweaking.
Comments/suggestions can be left in the comments or conducted via email. I'll be tweaking my scenarios (or possible adding more) over time.
Zombies! (LCHH)
ZombIIes! (XTH)
The latter document has three scenarios, each written with the idea to be compatible with both 40k and Fantasy skirmish (though the Basic Rules were
Comments/suggestions can be left in the comments or conducted via email. I'll be tweaking my scenarios (or possible adding more) over time.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
More scenarios
A few more scenarios for your perusal and enjoyment:
Underwater battle
Space boarding action
And then a not-so-serious one:
Snark hunt!
Underwater battle
Space boarding action
And then a not-so-serious one:
Snark hunt!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Space Hulk!
Bell of Lost Souls have been speculating about it.
GW workers were wearing T-shirts with Terminators and Genestealers at Games Day Germany this weekend.
It's on the Games Workshop website.
And I've got it on pre-order! Sept 5 arrival.
2 Player game, and I welcome anyone else getting it. This would be a cool, multi-player game.
GW workers were wearing T-shirts with Terminators and Genestealers at Games Day Germany this weekend.
It's on the Games Workshop website.
And I've got it on pre-order! Sept 5 arrival.
2 Player game, and I welcome anyone else getting it. This would be a cool, multi-player game.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Farseer Rhiantha Shelwe's Alaitoc Eldar
I whipped up this Eldar list. Should be fairly competitive and light on model count.
Farseer Rhiantha Shelwe (120 pts)
10 Dire Avengers w/ Exarch (152 pts)
w/ Wave Serpent Transport (145 pts)
5 Pathfinders (120 pts)
6 Fire Dragons (96 pts)
Heavy Support
Falcon Grav Tank (180 pts)
War Walker Squadron (3 Walkers) (180 pts)
model count: 27
Farseer Rhiantha Shelwe (120 pts)
10 Dire Avengers w/ Exarch (152 pts)
w/ Wave Serpent Transport (145 pts)
5 Pathfinders (120 pts)
6 Fire Dragons (96 pts)
Heavy Support
Falcon Grav Tank (180 pts)
War Walker Squadron (3 Walkers) (180 pts)
model count: 27
Friday, August 7, 2009
Last and most certainly least we have two armies I could run, Niddies or IG and I'm having trouble deciding, so we have two options, first Nidzilla:
Hive Tyrant, +S, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons (115)
Tyrant Guard (45)
Hive Tyrant, +S, +BS, Wings, 2XTL Devourers, Warp Field (196)
6 Genestealers, +Sv, Fleshhooks (126)
6 Genestealers, +Sv, Fleshhooks (126)
20 Spinegaunts (100)
Carnifex, +W, +WS, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Mace Tail, Bio Plasma (145)
Carnifex, +W, +WS, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Mace Tail, Bio Plasma (145)
37 minis
Or the IG, fix bayonets!
Command Squad, Vox, Master of Ordnance, 2 Bodyguards (115)
Platoon HQ, Vox, Autocannon (45)
Squad, Vox, Autocannon, Plasma Gun (80)
Squad, Vox, Autocannon, Plasma Gun (80)
Platoon HQ, Vox, Flamer (40)
Squad, Vox, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (75)
Squad, Vox, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (75)
Veteran Squad, Vox, 2 Melta Guns, Heavy Flamer, Demolitions (145)
Chimera, Multi Laser, Heavy Bolter (55)
Sentinel Squad (2), Lascannon, Heavy Flamer (90)
Leman Russ, Lascannon, Sponson Heavy Bolters, Heavy Armor (200)
72 minis
Hive Tyrant, +S, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons (115)
Tyrant Guard (45)
Hive Tyrant, +S, +BS, Wings, 2XTL Devourers, Warp Field (196)
6 Genestealers, +Sv, Fleshhooks (126)
6 Genestealers, +Sv, Fleshhooks (126)
20 Spinegaunts (100)
Carnifex, +W, +WS, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Mace Tail, Bio Plasma (145)
Carnifex, +W, +WS, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Mace Tail, Bio Plasma (145)
37 minis
Or the IG, fix bayonets!
Command Squad, Vox, Master of Ordnance, 2 Bodyguards (115)
Platoon HQ, Vox, Autocannon (45)
Squad, Vox, Autocannon, Plasma Gun (80)
Squad, Vox, Autocannon, Plasma Gun (80)
Platoon HQ, Vox, Flamer (40)
Squad, Vox, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (75)
Squad, Vox, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (75)
Veteran Squad, Vox, 2 Melta Guns, Heavy Flamer, Demolitions (145)
Chimera, Multi Laser, Heavy Bolter (55)
Sentinel Squad (2), Lascannon, Heavy Flamer (90)
Leman Russ, Lascannon, Sponson Heavy Bolters, Heavy Armor (200)
72 minis
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Rumor has it that there was a request to see a Daemons list. So here goes... as of tonight... possibly final... I've only changed it about 468 times so far so it's likely that I'll change it at least once more before we start playing. So I'll list a couple of possibles and a few options I might still consider.
I don't have all of the minis yet. I know, lame. So I'll have to proxy a few but I don't think it will be confusing (although it will look dumb since I'll have to proxy using a space marine or ork since that's all I have). I planned on building a few more peeps but I'm either slow or lazy or cheap or maybe a combo of those.
The Masque (100 pts) - I plan to portray her with a daemonette since I don't have her yet
Herald of Khorne w/ Iron Hide and Unholy Might (100 pts)
10 Bloodletters (160 pts) - I only have 9 if I use one as a Herald so I'll have to proxy one
10 Daemonettes (140 pts) - I only have 9 if I use one as the masque so ...
4 Flamers (140 pts) - only have 3 so I'll proxy one
4 Flamers (140 pts) - only have 3 so I'll proxy one
1 Daemon Price w/ Unholy might, Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze, Boon of Mutation, and Soul Devourer (220 pts)
Masque (100 pts)
Skulltaker (140 pts) - don't have him so i'd use the same bloodletter as the herald
10 Daemonettes (140 pts)
10 Bloodletters (160 pts)
4 Flamers (140 pts)
4 Flamers (140 pts)
1 DP with w/ Unholy might, Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze (180 pts)
I thought the Masque and Skulltaker in one battle might be far fetched but since these will be serious tournament battles they could both show. I've considered dumping the minis I'll have to proxy, like the two flamers (since I only have 6) and spending the points on bolt of tzeentch or something else but I'm happier with 8 so I'll probably just fake them. My daemon prince also might end up as tzeentch or slaanesh (he doesn't really look like either). I sort of like having a "leader" from Khorne, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch since I have units from each but I'm not stuck on that. I've also considered using that mini as a Keeper of Secrets (I might still) or briefly as Skarbrand (but I won't do that).
Whatever happens I'll have about 30 guys and it will be something close to the lists above.
I don't have all of the minis yet. I know, lame. So I'll have to proxy a few but I don't think it will be confusing (although it will look dumb since I'll have to proxy using a space marine or ork since that's all I have). I planned on building a few more peeps but I'm either slow or lazy or cheap or maybe a combo of those.
The Masque (100 pts) - I plan to portray her with a daemonette since I don't have her yet
Herald of Khorne w/ Iron Hide and Unholy Might (100 pts)
10 Bloodletters (160 pts) - I only have 9 if I use one as a Herald so I'll have to proxy one
10 Daemonettes (140 pts) - I only have 9 if I use one as the masque so ...
4 Flamers (140 pts) - only have 3 so I'll proxy one
4 Flamers (140 pts) - only have 3 so I'll proxy one
1 Daemon Price w/ Unholy might, Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze, Boon of Mutation, and Soul Devourer (220 pts)
Masque (100 pts)
Skulltaker (140 pts) - don't have him so i'd use the same bloodletter as the herald
10 Daemonettes (140 pts)
10 Bloodletters (160 pts)
4 Flamers (140 pts)
4 Flamers (140 pts)
1 DP with w/ Unholy might, Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze (180 pts)
I thought the Masque and Skulltaker in one battle might be far fetched but since these will be serious tournament battles they could both show. I've considered dumping the minis I'll have to proxy, like the two flamers (since I only have 6) and spending the points on bolt of tzeentch or something else but I'm happier with 8 so I'll probably just fake them. My daemon prince also might end up as tzeentch or slaanesh (he doesn't really look like either). I sort of like having a "leader" from Khorne, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch since I have units from each but I'm not stuck on that. I've also considered using that mini as a Keeper of Secrets (I might still) or briefly as Skarbrand (but I won't do that).
Whatever happens I'll have about 30 guys and it will be something close to the lists above.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Going with the spirit of the previous posts, here's two Ork lists I'm thinking of running:
Warboss, Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole (95)
24 Boyz, 1 Nob with PK (185)
24 Boyz, 1 Nov with PK (185)
27 Grotz, 3 Runtherds (111)
10 Nobz*, 1 Painboy, 3 PKs, 'Eavy Armour, Waaagh! Banner, Stikkbomz (380)
1 Trukk as dedicated transport for Nobz, with Armour Plates (45)
Total: 89 models, 1001 pts
*The warboss allows 1 Nob squad to be taken as Troops instead of Elite
Warboss, PK, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole (95)
Big Mek, Kustom Force Field (85)
29 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ PK (215)
28 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ PK (209)
30 Grotz, 3 Runtherds (120)
11 Tankbustas, 1 Nob with PK & 'Eavy Armour, bosspole, 2x tankhammers, 3x bomb squigs (230)
1 Trukk as DT for first Boyz mob with Armour Plates (45)
Total: 104 models, 999 pts
I picked up a few materials today to make some movement lattices for my Boyz/grotz, so hopefully I won't actually be moving ~100 models each turn.
Warboss, Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole (95)
24 Boyz, 1 Nob with PK (185)
24 Boyz, 1 Nov with PK (185)
27 Grotz, 3 Runtherds (111)
10 Nobz*, 1 Painboy, 3 PKs, 'Eavy Armour, Waaagh! Banner, Stikkbomz (380)
1 Trukk as dedicated transport for Nobz, with Armour Plates (45)
Total: 89 models, 1001 pts
*The warboss allows 1 Nob squad to be taken as Troops instead of Elite
Warboss, PK, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole (95)
Big Mek, Kustom Force Field (85)
29 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ PK (215)
28 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ PK (209)
30 Grotz, 3 Runtherds (120)
11 Tankbustas, 1 Nob with PK & 'Eavy Armour, bosspole, 2x tankhammers, 3x bomb squigs (230)
1 Trukk as DT for first Boyz mob with Armour Plates (45)
Total: 104 models, 999 pts
I picked up a few materials today to make some movement lattices for my Boyz/grotz, so hopefully I won't actually be moving ~100 models each turn.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Xeno Turkey Tourney - Prizes!
The Xeno Turkey Hunter Tourney is only a couple of days away. That means we need to get the prizes in place. That would be gift cards to Game Kastle for the top 3 winners. We have a $20 card for the best general, $15 for second place, and $10 for the third best army. That doesn't mean that the others who play aren't going to get something.
From my wife's recommendation, we're going to host a BBQ, post tourney. Yep, free food for the other gamers before the winners get to eat. If we get ambitious, my crafty wife is willing to make T-shirts. The question is what image should be created? Do people want an alien colored (read green or red) turkey in crosshairs, or a robo-turkey (ala Adeptus Turkeicus)?
From my wife's recommendation, we're going to host a BBQ, post tourney. Yep, free food for the other gamers before the winners get to eat. If we get ambitious, my crafty wife is willing to make T-shirts. The question is what image should be created? Do people want an alien colored (read green or red) turkey in crosshairs, or a robo-turkey (ala Adeptus Turkeicus)?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Green Armored Marines Tournament List
So to keep things rolling, I'm going to put up the list that I am currently planning on bringing to our speed bash.
HQ: Chaplain, Jump Pack
Troops: 10 man tactical, flamer, multi-melta, rhino, powerfist on sergeant
Troops: 10 man tactical, flamer, missile launcher, razorback, powerfist on sergeant
Fast Attack: 2 Attack bikes, multi-melta x2
Fast Attack: 10 man assualt squad, flamer x2, powerfist on sergeant
HS: 1 Predator, Autocannon, Heavy Bolter sponsoons
My biggest concern is that it's a lot of models for a 1 hour game. Everything is mobile though so it should be plenty of fun.
HQ: Chaplain, Jump Pack
Troops: 10 man tactical, flamer, multi-melta, rhino, powerfist on sergeant
Troops: 10 man tactical, flamer, missile launcher, razorback, powerfist on sergeant
Fast Attack: 2 Attack bikes, multi-melta x2
Fast Attack: 10 man assualt squad, flamer x2, powerfist on sergeant
HS: 1 Predator, Autocannon, Heavy Bolter sponsoons
My biggest concern is that it's a lot of models for a 1 hour game. Everything is mobile though so it should be plenty of fun.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Xeno Turkey Hunter Tourney
Hi All,
Here are the scenarios I'd like to post for the group to use at the tourney. It's the 2009 Adepticon scenarios: <http://www.adepticon.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=25>
AdeptiCon 2009 Warhammer 40K Championships/Invitational Scenarios
It's been used and tested.
Any comments or recommendations?
Here are the scenarios I'd like to post for the group to use at the tourney. It's the 2009 Adepticon scenarios: <http://www.adepticon.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=25>
AdeptiCon 2009 Warhammer 40K Championships/Invitational Scenarios
It's been used and tested.
Any comments or recommendations?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Mini Tourney Army Build
For the Xeno Turkey Hunters Tourney, I believe I'm going to run a true Grey Knight list. I'll either proxy the figures, or get my butt in gear to build it. It's not too many miniatures because of the expensive list, but it will allow me to complete the rounds quickly while bringing a respectable amount of firepower. Which list should I run?
1000pts Grey Knight List 1:
Brother-Captain Hero w/Psycannon
4 Grey Knight Terminators w/a Psycannon
GK Squad 1
Justicar w/4 GK Power Armor
GK Squad 2
Justicar w/4 GK Power Armor
GK Squad 3
Justicar w/4 GK Power Armor
Heavy Support
Land Raider
998pts GK List 2:
HQ: Same as above (300pts)
GK1: Justicar w/5 GKPA with 1 Psycannon (200pts)
GK2: Justicar w/5 GKPA with 1 Psycannon (200pts)
GK3: Same as above (150pts)
Heavy Support
Dreadnought w/Twin-linked Lascannons, Missile Launcher, Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers
1000pts Grey Knight List 1:
Brother-Captain Hero w/Psycannon
4 Grey Knight Terminators w/a Psycannon
GK Squad 1
Justicar w/4 GK Power Armor
GK Squad 2
Justicar w/4 GK Power Armor
GK Squad 3
Justicar w/4 GK Power Armor
Heavy Support
Land Raider
998pts GK List 2:
HQ: Same as above (300pts)
GK1: Justicar w/5 GKPA with 1 Psycannon (200pts)
GK2: Justicar w/5 GKPA with 1 Psycannon (200pts)
GK3: Same as above (150pts)
Heavy Support
Dreadnought w/Twin-linked Lascannons, Missile Launcher, Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Next Game
Hi All,
So July is here, and we need to find a day to play. What's the recommendation from everyone?
Well, it's the end of July, and we still haven't nailed down a day. So the recommendation will be Aug 15 (Saturday), with a game of WH Fantasy Battle. Who wants to play?
Update #2:
Looks like Aug 15th is a bad day to get everyone together. Email voting is pushing for Aug 9th for our gaming. Still waiting on a couple of responses to close out the voting.
So July is here, and we need to find a day to play. What's the recommendation from everyone?
Well, it's the end of July, and we still haven't nailed down a day. So the recommendation will be Aug 15 (Saturday), with a game of WH Fantasy Battle. Who wants to play?
Update #2:
Looks like Aug 15th is a bad day to get everyone together. Email voting is pushing for Aug 9th for our gaming. Still waiting on a couple of responses to close out the voting.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Preliminary Rogue Warrior rules
Due to copious amounts of free time this week, I've merged Dave's initial cut at the RW ruleset with Ron's skirmish rules, plus some additions of my own. It can be found here:
Basic RW rules.
Less complete are:
Fireteam rules.
Campaign rules.
The docs, as stored on GD, have comments as to who contributed what, but it didn't translate to the published Web versions. I'll see if I can otherwise label the text this weekend.
Post here or email me if you have comments.
Due to copious amounts of free time this week, I've merged Dave's initial cut at the RW ruleset with Ron's skirmish rules, plus some additions of my own. It can be found here:
Basic RW rules.
Less complete are:
Fireteam rules.
Campaign rules.
The docs, as stored on GD, have comments as to who contributed what, but it didn't translate to the published Web versions. I'll see if I can otherwise label the text this weekend.
Post here or email me if you have comments.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Apocalypse - Defence of Alamo
Battle Report -
Seven armies arrived this weekend to battle out for Fort Alamo. The breakdown was 3 Space Marine armies of 1500 points each defending the Alamo from 4 Xeno armies: Orks, Eldar, Tyranids, and Necrons. With all the action, only highlights will be covered.
Turn 1 - Xeno
The Space Marine Defenders were forced to decide on their deployment without speaking to each other due to Jamming. After their deployment, 4 Orbital Bombardments landed around Ft. Alamo, inflicting major casualties to a Devastator squad and scattered losses elsewhere. After that initial bombardment, the various Xeno armies deep striked onto the battlefield. The Space Marines deployed a Disrupter Beacon to defend one flank, however the Hive Tyrant and his escorts landed in the area of the beacon. The Ork commander also ignored the beacon and landed the majority of his Boyz in two squads near the beacon. The deep strikers did take losses as they deployed; the Tyranids lost a Lictor near Fort Alamo, the Eldar lost a squad of Dire Avengers, and a Necron Warrior Squad was forced into reserves. Xeno shooting crumbled the defenders entrenched in a bunker, but was otherwise minimally effective.
Turn 1 - SM
The Space Marines maneuvered and shot the Orks, Eldar, and the Tyranids. The highlights were the SM Scouts rending the Hive Tyrant and his 3 Guards, wounding 1 and killing 1 Guard. The Master of the Forge rode out on a bike and fired his conversion beamer at a Wave Serpant and scattering his shot onto a War Walker, wiping it out. The spirit of Lord ChiHuaHua was envoked as 10 Genestealers and a Broodlord only inflicted 3 wounds to a SM Command Squad, and a 10 man SM Assault Squad charged into an Ork Boyz squad, taking out 1 while losing 4.
Turn 2 - Xeno
The Xenos shot up a number of Marine units, specifically the Dark Angels of IBM, and then went into assault. The Genestealers of Lenny charged and attacked a squad of SM, inflicting 9 wounds, but the SM armor saved all 9 from being lost. The Tyranids did redeem themselves with a charge by a Carnifex onto a Venerable Dreadnought and wiping the Dreadnought out. The Eldar Orbital Bombardment landed on the Dark Angel force, taking out a number of SM and immobilized the Whirlwind. The Orks assaulted the lone Predator, taking out all the weapons and tracks.

Turn 2 - SM
An Ork Big Mek had a chance to feel the boom of an Orbital Bombardment as it landed on him, flashing him and his thirty boyz to red steam. SM Terminators from reserve arrived and blasted the squad of Necron Destroyers, wiping out the 3 Necron. Between the shooting and assaults, the Ork Deff Kopters and Eldar Warp Spiders took the bulk of the loss. The continuing assault between Assault Marines and the Ork HQ left the Marines overrun and the Orks advancing on the center.
Turn 3 - Xeno
The Xeno forces all moved closer to Alamo in order to wipe out the Space Marines. Yet another scheduled bombardment further reduced the squads holding up inside, leaving behind a single Devastator, an immobilized Predator and a few handfuls of snipers. The Necron fired on an Ironclad Dreadnought and the SM Land Raider. The Dreadnought lost its seismic hammer while the Land Raider was shaken twice. The Eldar lost their Farseer to close combat with a Venerable Dreadnought. Then the Carnifex blew up the Land Raider with 5 attacks. The Ork HQ overran the Master of the Forge to no losses. The Terminators are in close combat against Gene Steallers. The Terminators lost 7 to 8 Genestealers and Broodlord. The isolated Predator was finally destroyed with some carefully aimed rokkits through its tailpipe. A lone Ork deffkopta chose to close to assault range on the Whirlwind. A pair of koptas and the Tyranid Tyrant smashed through the lone Devastator into the Alamo proper.
Turn 3 - SM
Movement for the SM was limited to nearly nothing. In the shooting phase, the aforementioned Ork deffcopta (having spent the assault phase taunting the Whirlwind instead of attacking) paid the price and was incinerated by a volley of Dragonfire rounds. Additional SM shooting caused 2 wounds against the Carnifex. The Dreadnought brought the close combat with the Seer Council to a close and cut them down as they fled. The Genestealers with the Broodlord completed their wipeout of the SM Terminators on the flank.

Final Thoughts -
The game was ended at Turn 3. The results for each army was 1-1 Xenos, with 2 contested (including the fortress itself) and 1 held with under 50% Orks, with the SM's pushed to the edge and may haven fallen in 1 more turn. Only the Eldar and Tyranids completed their personal objectives of using 3 psychic powers and defeating 3 units in assault. By vote, the SM hero of the hour was the Venerable Dreadnought, tooled to long range hitting, that eliminated the Farseer and his Seer Council in close combat. Genestealers with the Broodlord proved to be the unit of the day for the Xeno army, having destroyed 10 terminators and a command squad while losing 2 of their number.
Recommendation for the next game will be WHFB (in the desert), Mordheim (in the desert), and Rogue Warrior (probably in the desert). Voting to come.
Update: Added pictures.
Seven armies arrived this weekend to battle out for Fort Alamo. The breakdown was 3 Space Marine armies of 1500 points each defending the Alamo from 4 Xeno armies: Orks, Eldar, Tyranids, and Necrons. With all the action, only highlights will be covered.
The Space Marine Defenders were forced to decide on their deployment without speaking to each other due to Jamming. After their deployment, 4 Orbital Bombardments landed around Ft. Alamo, inflicting major casualties to a Devastator squad and scattered losses elsewhere. After that initial bombardment, the various Xeno armies deep striked onto the battlefield. The Space Marines deployed a Disrupter Beacon to defend one flank, however the Hive Tyrant and his escorts landed in the area of the beacon. The Ork commander also ignored the beacon and landed the majority of his Boyz in two squads near the beacon. The deep strikers did take losses as they deployed; the Tyranids lost a Lictor near Fort Alamo, the Eldar lost a squad of Dire Avengers, and a Necron Warrior Squad was forced into reserves. Xeno shooting crumbled the defenders entrenched in a bunker, but was otherwise minimally effective.
Turn 1 - SM
The Space Marines maneuvered and shot the Orks, Eldar, and the Tyranids. The highlights were the SM Scouts rending the Hive Tyrant and his 3 Guards, wounding 1 and killing 1 Guard. The Master of the Forge rode out on a bike and fired his conversion beamer at a Wave Serpant and scattering his shot onto a War Walker, wiping it out. The spirit of Lord ChiHuaHua was envoked as 10 Genestealers and a Broodlord only inflicted 3 wounds to a SM Command Squad, and a 10 man SM Assault Squad charged into an Ork Boyz squad, taking out 1 while losing 4.
Turn 2 - Xeno
The Xenos shot up a number of Marine units, specifically the Dark Angels of IBM, and then went into assault. The Genestealers of Lenny charged and attacked a squad of SM, inflicting 9 wounds, but the SM armor saved all 9 from being lost. The Tyranids did redeem themselves with a charge by a Carnifex onto a Venerable Dreadnought and wiping the Dreadnought out. The Eldar Orbital Bombardment landed on the Dark Angel force, taking out a number of SM and immobilized the Whirlwind. The Orks assaulted the lone Predator, taking out all the weapons and tracks.
Turn 2 - SM
An Ork Big Mek had a chance to feel the boom of an Orbital Bombardment as it landed on him, flashing him and his thirty boyz to red steam. SM Terminators from reserve arrived and blasted the squad of Necron Destroyers, wiping out the 3 Necron. Between the shooting and assaults, the Ork Deff Kopters and Eldar Warp Spiders took the bulk of the loss. The continuing assault between Assault Marines and the Ork HQ left the Marines overrun and the Orks advancing on the center.
Turn 3 - Xeno
The Xeno forces all moved closer to Alamo in order to wipe out the Space Marines. Yet another scheduled bombardment further reduced the squads holding up inside, leaving behind a single Devastator, an immobilized Predator and a few handfuls of snipers. The Necron fired on an Ironclad Dreadnought and the SM Land Raider. The Dreadnought lost its seismic hammer while the Land Raider was shaken twice. The Eldar lost their Farseer to close combat with a Venerable Dreadnought. Then the Carnifex blew up the Land Raider with 5 attacks. The Ork HQ overran the Master of the Forge to no losses. The Terminators are in close combat against Gene Steallers. The Terminators lost 7 to 8 Genestealers and Broodlord. The isolated Predator was finally destroyed with some carefully aimed rokkits through its tailpipe. A lone Ork deffkopta chose to close to assault range on the Whirlwind. A pair of koptas and the Tyranid Tyrant smashed through the lone Devastator into the Alamo proper.
Turn 3 - SM
Movement for the SM was limited to nearly nothing. In the shooting phase, the aforementioned Ork deffcopta (having spent the assault phase taunting the Whirlwind instead of attacking) paid the price and was incinerated by a volley of Dragonfire rounds. Additional SM shooting caused 2 wounds against the Carnifex. The Dreadnought brought the close combat with the Seer Council to a close and cut them down as they fled. The Genestealers with the Broodlord completed their wipeout of the SM Terminators on the flank.
Final Thoughts -
The game was ended at Turn 3. The results for each army was 1-1 Xenos, with 2 contested (including the fortress itself) and 1 held with under 50% Orks, with the SM's pushed to the edge and may haven fallen in 1 more turn. Only the Eldar and Tyranids completed their personal objectives of using 3 psychic powers and defeating 3 units in assault. By vote, the SM hero of the hour was the Venerable Dreadnought, tooled to long range hitting, that eliminated the Farseer and his Seer Council in close combat. Genestealers with the Broodlord proved to be the unit of the day for the Xeno army, having destroyed 10 terminators and a command squad while losing 2 of their number.
Recommendation for the next game will be WHFB (in the desert), Mordheim (in the desert), and Rogue Warrior (probably in the desert). Voting to come.
Update: Added pictures.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ft. Alamo Scenario - Apocalypse Battle
Another weekend of Apocalypse gaming that's coming up and I haven't seen any messages about scenarios yet, so I'm going to throw this one out:
Battle for Fort Alamo
The Imperial forces are deployed as the defenders for this mission. They are defending the remains of Fort Alamo (Objective 1) in the middle of the battlefield. Fort Alamo provides a cover save of 4+ for all defenders on the terrain. The Defenders also get to deploy the rest of the objectives (4) for the game (must be 12in away from each other). The Defenders get to place the rest of the terrain within 2 feet of Fort Alamo. No terrain can be closer than 6in from each other. The Attacker gets to place and move terrain outside of the 2 feet perimeter. The game is planned for 3-4 turns.
The Defenders also get to place their forces first, anywhere on the table. However, they don't get to move first. The Defenders do get a 3+ Cover Save for the 1st Round if in cover, a 5+ Cover Save if in the open.
The Attacker sequence of play for the 1st Round is:
So someone mentioned a good point about the Apocalypse Strategy Asset "Disruptor Beacon" and the various large area effect strategy effects. So, based on the size of our battlefield, all area effect items will have HALF the range listed on the card to a minimum of 12in. For example, Disrupter Beacon will go from 48in from the marker to 24in from the marker and Null Field Generator will be 18in from 36in. The Shield Generator stays at 12in from the marker. These are house rules we'll use until we start using a larger battlefield. Comments?
Battle for Fort Alamo
The Imperial forces are deployed as the defenders for this mission. They are defending the remains of Fort Alamo (Objective 1) in the middle of the battlefield. Fort Alamo provides a cover save of 4+ for all defenders on the terrain. The Defenders also get to deploy the rest of the objectives (4) for the game (must be 12in away from each other). The Defenders get to place the rest of the terrain within 2 feet of Fort Alamo. No terrain can be closer than 6in from each other. The Attacker gets to place and move terrain outside of the 2 feet perimeter. The game is planned for 3-4 turns.
The Defenders also get to place their forces first, anywhere on the table. However, they don't get to move first. The Defenders do get a 3+ Cover Save for the 1st Round if in cover, a 5+ Cover Save if in the open.
The Attacker sequence of play for the 1st Round is:
- Preliminary Scheduled Bombardment (1 for each army/player), must be scheduled before Defenders deploy.
- Deployment - Deep Strikes by all infantry, jump infantry, hover vehicles, and characters. Non-hover vehicles are held in reserve for Turn 2 (except Drop Pods).
- Shooting Phase - All Deep Strikers are to be identified as "moved."
- Assault Phase - If unit is allowed to assault after deep striking
- Return to normal sequence after Turn 1.
So someone mentioned a good point about the Apocalypse Strategy Asset "Disruptor Beacon" and the various large area effect strategy effects. So, based on the size of our battlefield, all area effect items will have HALF the range listed on the card to a minimum of 12in. For example, Disrupter Beacon will go from 48in from the marker to 24in from the marker and Null Field Generator will be 18in from 36in. The Shield Generator stays at 12in from the marker. These are house rules we'll use until we start using a larger battlefield. Comments?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Warhammer Fantasy Battle Report
Five of us got together to play some Fantasy battles at 1000 points today. High Elves, Skaven, Dwarves, Night Goblins, and Vampire Counts. About 3 games were played between the 5 armies. Skaven and Dwarves squared off after the Night Goblins and the High Elves charged out of the gate. The Skaven charged into the static Dwarves and in 6 turns, took the field. Then everyone waited for the High Elves and Night Goblins to actually fight. The first charge by the High Elves made the Goblins break, leading to half the Goblin regiments breaking and for the Fanatics to jump out. Fanatic pinball took out most of a HE Spearman group, and the Spider Riders took out another. However, the HE and NG played a King of the Hill scenario, and the High Elf White Lions and Swordmasters held the high ground by turn 5.
The final battle of the night was the Vampire Counts versus the High Elves. The VC had a Vampire, Necromancer, a unit of Blood Knights, 2 units of Ghouls, and a unit of Skeletons. They faces off with a Mage, Noble, a unit of Swordmasters, 2 units of Spearmen, and 2 Eagle Claw Repeating Bolt Throwers. The RBTs helped decide the battle with their fire eliminating the Blood Knights by turn 4, and a Elf Spearmen turning and deflecting the Blood Knights away from the Swordmasters. The other turning point was the charge by the Vampire, Necromancer, and Skeleton unit into the Swordmasters, Mage, and Noble who were already in combat with a unit Ghouls. The Swordmasters nearly broke the VC units, but lost due to the lack of a musician. The morale break and the retreat took the unit far enough away to allow for another round of RBT fire into the VC. The final turning point was when the Vampire Count forgot to charge because they wanted to get into the magic phase as soon as possible in Turn 6 (and neither of us bothered to go back to the movement phase since it we didn't realize that we missed it until after all the casting was completed). This meant that the RBTs didn't get attacked, and that the Ghouls that did charge due to magic was wiped out by the Swordmasters. In the end, the HE army only lost the 2 units of Swordmasters by turn 6, and the VC lost a couple of units.
It was a fun day of gaming (11:30-5:30). Most everyone got a single game in (since game 2 didn't start until 3pm) because of other commitments by 4pm. Next session, WH40K Apocalypse.
The final battle of the night was the Vampire Counts versus the High Elves. The VC had a Vampire, Necromancer, a unit of Blood Knights, 2 units of Ghouls, and a unit of Skeletons. They faces off with a Mage, Noble, a unit of Swordmasters, 2 units of Spearmen, and 2 Eagle Claw Repeating Bolt Throwers. The RBTs helped decide the battle with their fire eliminating the Blood Knights by turn 4, and a Elf Spearmen turning and deflecting the Blood Knights away from the Swordmasters. The other turning point was the charge by the Vampire, Necromancer, and Skeleton unit into the Swordmasters, Mage, and Noble who were already in combat with a unit Ghouls. The Swordmasters nearly broke the VC units, but lost due to the lack of a musician. The morale break and the retreat took the unit far enough away to allow for another round of RBT fire into the VC. The final turning point was when the Vampire Count forgot to charge because they wanted to get into the magic phase as soon as possible in Turn 6 (and neither of us bothered to go back to the movement phase since it we didn't realize that we missed it until after all the casting was completed). This meant that the RBTs didn't get attacked, and that the Ghouls that did charge due to magic was wiped out by the Swordmasters. In the end, the HE army only lost the 2 units of Swordmasters by turn 6, and the VC lost a couple of units.
It was a fun day of gaming (11:30-5:30). Most everyone got a single game in (since game 2 didn't start until 3pm) because of other commitments by 4pm. Next session, WH40K Apocalypse.
Friday, June 12, 2009
PBSBlog of Warhammer 40K
I found this blog while scanning the forums that I haunt. I have no idea which one I saw it on (either Bolter and Chainsword or Warseer), so I can't give the credit that's due to the original poster. However, I had to include a link to the PBSBlog one here:
I personally don't know if this should be taken seriously, and I don't know if it truly is associated with PBS. Either way, it's a perspective I've never taken with a science fiction game. If anyone's got comments, send them in.
Ok, after some research, here's the disclaimer from their site:
Considering some of the other posts on their site, I can see why.
I personally don't know if this should be taken seriously, and I don't know if it truly is associated with PBS. Either way, it's a perspective I've never taken with a science fiction game. If anyone's got comments, send them in.
Ok, after some research, here's the disclaimer from their site:
Considering some of the other posts on their site, I can see why.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Rules for 31 May Game
We will be playing the mountain pass scenario this Sunday. The rules have been posted at the following link:
Saturday, May 16, 2009
For your consideration
Here are two scenarios written by the poster, which we might be running at the next game:
The first scenario involves a surface raid against a giant cannon: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgqs834b_3d6zpkfjn
This scenario is mostly complete, though the deployment zones could probably use some tweaking.
The second scenario concerns a group of raiders attempting to make it back to their ships before being cut off by their pursuers: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgqs834b_5htkpvxf5
This scenario needs substantially more adjustment - as it currently stands, it seems like the raiders would have a hard time succeeding.
Comments are welcome.
The first scenario involves a surface raid against a giant cannon: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgqs834b_3d6zpkfjn
This scenario is mostly complete, though the deployment zones could probably use some tweaking.
The second scenario concerns a group of raiders attempting to make it back to their ships before being cut off by their pursuers: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgqs834b_5htkpvxf5
This scenario needs substantially more adjustment - as it currently stands, it seems like the raiders would have a hard time succeeding.
Comments are welcome.
Monday, May 11, 2009
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