Thursday, July 30, 2009

Green Armored Marines Tournament List

So to keep things rolling, I'm going to put up the list that I am currently planning on bringing to our speed bash.

HQ: Chaplain, Jump Pack

Troops: 10 man tactical, flamer, multi-melta, rhino, powerfist on sergeant

Troops: 10 man tactical, flamer, missile launcher, razorback, powerfist on sergeant

Fast Attack: 2 Attack bikes, multi-melta x2

Fast Attack: 10 man assualt squad, flamer x2, powerfist on sergeant

HS: 1 Predator, Autocannon, Heavy Bolter sponsoons

My biggest concern is that it's a lot of models for a 1 hour game. Everything is mobile though so it should be plenty of fun.


  1. Can you buy a Razorback for the "10 man" squad, or is it because you can use them in combat squads?

  2. Yeah, if they come in from reserves or I don't combat squad them they can't ride in it though. Not until they take 4 casualties at least.
