This is my Storm Seer Librarian. He was originally a White Scars Commander, but I shaved his topknot and blade from the staff off. I placed a shoulderpad over his head after I filed down the sides and drilled 2 openings on top to represent a psychic hood. For the force staff, I placed a Space Wolf head on top with 2 SW tails along the sides. A little green stuff to help secure the three items. I added some more green stuff down the staff too. Got a couple of complements for this conversion.
This is my standard bearer. I used a Bretonnian standard from the Knights of the Realm box and mounted it to the base of the bike antenna. Got a lot of attention from other modelers, with at one of the GK veterans confirming that he's stealing this conversion idea.
Here's the army lead by the Kor'Sarro Khan on the left and his Storm Seer on the right. Behind them is the command squad, and behind that is Tactical Squad 3 (Combat) with their Twin-linked Heavy Bolter Razorback. On the left is Bike Squad 1, with the Powerfist Sergeant leading a full squad with 2 plasmaguns and a heavy bolter attack bike. On the right is Bike Squad 2, with a multimelta attack bike, 2 meltaguns, and a powerfist sergeant. Behind the Razorback is 3 autocannon equiped Predators. Flanking the army is the 2 Land Speeder Typhoons with heavy bolter and missile launchers.
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