Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 Events

Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and got cool gifts. I didn't do too badly with getting Imperial Armour Volumes 5-7, the Seige of Vraks, compilation with maps/posters. I'll post pictures when I have the posters up. Now, onto the topic at hand; Here are the proposed games for the new year so you will have time to build/paint/customize:

January: By popular demand, Planetstrike! Tyranids incoming (new Codex lands around the planned game date)!

February: Fantasy Battle, because we haven't played in a while

March: 40K, just a couple of games to break up the Apoc games we've been having

April: Fantasy Teams - Adepticon 2009 scenarios for teams. 2 Player teams, only need 1000pts per player.

May: Turkey Hunter Tourney - Fantasy Tournament (Who's the best WHFB General?); Adepticon 2010 scenarios

June: 40k Apoc

July: Race Day - Bring both a 40K and FB single model. This is a deathmatch race to the finish line. Details to come later.

Aug: 40K Teams, 2 Player teams, 1000pts per player.

Sept: Adeptus Turkiecus - 40K Tournament, Adepticon 2010 Scenarios

Oct: Zombie Hunt - Fantasy, single model/survivor

November: Turkey Hunt - 40K, single squad or model (TBD)

December: Revenge of the Snowmen, Santa's Return (Apoc or Fantasy Legendary battles)


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