Saturday, January 5, 2013

January Warmachine Gaming

So I was able to work on, build, and primer up the majority of my Retribution of Scyrah Warmachine force.  This is really a force of 2 warcasters, 2 warjacks, a Mage Hunter Strike Force with unit commander, a Stormfall Archers unit, pEiryss, a Ghost Sniper, and an Arcanist.  This gives me a flexible set of options to learn the army.

I'll post pictures of them in the next blog post.  I will, however, go through the few battles that they have fought.  They have gone up against Khador, Mercenaries 3 times, and Cygnar twice.  Lord Ossyan has been very strong in his showings.  Ravyn has been a bit harder to win with.

I'll start with the most recent Ravyn (1-2) battles first.  She has faced Cygnar once versus Siege, Mercs twice versus Fiona the Black and Magnus the Traitor.  She beat the Siege list that included the ATGM + UA + Hunter + Strangewayes, Nyss Hunters + Murdoch, Defender + Siege + Rupert + Squire.  This was a closer game than it should have been.  A risky assassination run in round 2 extended the game out to 4-5 rounds.  In reality, when the Nyss Hunters took "cover" from "Go to Ground" and the ATGM got "cover" from a Siege spell, the MHSF with their tactic: Phantom Seeker would get to ignore the cover.  With Ravyn's feat, the MHSF would have been able to clear out either one of the squads, changing the game dynamic.
Against Fiona, her force was able to nearly wipe off Fiona's force from the table.  This force included 2 Jacks, the Kavazy Eliminators, and Nyss Hunters.  The Eliminators left Ravyn down to minimal health before Fiona got in a ranged attack to finish her off.
The Magnus battle was a small 25 point battle that left Ravyn attempting an assassination run.  The warjacks for both sides were eliminated from play by round 2, and the infantry was maneuvering to get the upper hand.  Again, another battle with the Nyss Hunters.  This time, Ravyn did the most amount of damage to them after some softening fire from the MHSF.  However, Magnus was not impressed; knocking her down after her assassination run, and then spearing her with his sword. 

Ossyan (2-1) faced a variety of foes in eHaley, Captain Bartolo Montador, and Orsus Zoktavir, Butcher of Khardov.  In Butcher's list were 2 heavy jacks, Reavers, Iron Fangs, and the Great Bears.  It was mostly a melee list.  In Bart's list, Nyss Hunters with a pair of Jacks and Rhulic Forge Guards.  eHaley brough a Storm Strider, Lancer, and a Centurion to support Precursor Knights and a Field Mechanic squad.  Both the Butcher and Bart took a pounding to soften up their armies and then went down to Caster Kills.  eHaley won the scenario after 4 turns. 

The stars for Retribution so far are: Mage Hunter Strike Force with MHSF Commander and pEiryss.  Ossyan is the more powerful caster, but Ravyn is developing into a shooting support caster. 

Next up will be the addition of Adeptis Rahn, the Battle Mages, Narn, Mage Hunter Assassins, and Nayl.  The Battle Engine is also not too far off.

1 comment:

  1. The MHSF w/ UA is a wonderful versatile unit. So far the only protection my Cygnar can come up with is have High DEF units (to over come the RAT 6) or high ARM units (from the POW 10 bows). Unfortunately they ignore all the DEF buffs (any spells are no go from arcane assassin and phantom seeker rules out cover/concealment, LOS blocking).
