Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year and 2013 Resolutions

It's January 2013 which can only mean one thing:
New resolutions and a review of 2012 resolutions:
Let's review the 2012 resolutions:
1) Commander Stryker 35pt SteamRoller list built, painted,
2) Blaize 35pt SteamRoller list with everything painted,
3) Tau BFG fleet painted,
4) Blood Bowl team painted,
and 5) either Tau or White Scars will be painted.

I can honestly say that I worked on items 1, 2, and 4 this past year. I did take Darius and Blaize to a Game Kastle Steamroller this year. I guess I'm going to play the tournies once in a while. This was my 2nd tourney at GK. I can field the 2 lists, 80% painted.

As for the Blood Bowl team, they have paint on them and pretty close to being done. At some point, I'll finish building and painting some of this list.

This past year also saw us pick up Infinity as a new game (and more miniatures).

So, without further adieu, the 2013 resolutions:
1) Two Retribution 35pt SteamRoller list built and painted,
2) Blaize 35pt SteamRoller list with everything painted,
3) Cygnar 35pt SteamRoller list built and painted,
4) Infinity Yu Jing (200pts) army built and painted,
5) Blood Bowl team painted,
and 6) a Games Workshop army will be painted.

This is a bit more ambitious than last year, and I didn't complete my 2012 resolutions. I figure a more ambitious set of resolutions are better than easy to reach ones. Besides, this gives me a priority to work from. I'll try to keep posting updates and I also have a goal to post to this blog at least twice a month.

Good luck to everyone else's resolutions.

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