Monday, January 28, 2013

Another January Gaming

Here's another battle report without pictures.  We got in another game in January recently.  This was nice because it wasn't too long ago when we played last.  This time I decided to play Ossyan with Battle Mage support.  The scenario was to hold the middle, with a kill box of 36in x 8in.  Opposing me was Lord Commander Stryker and his lightning happy army.  It was an extremely close game between the two forces, and it was finally decided by Stryker overcharging and making an assassination run in the 3rd round.  At this point, the Cygnar 'Jacks were taking a pounding and his infantry were being shot up.  The Retribution also took heavy losses to the Battle Mages, Stormfall Archers, and the Mage Hunter Strike Force, but the Myrmidons were barely scratched and pEiryss was moving to a vantage point.  Lord Styker made his move and tried three times to strike Ossyan, missing on all three.  Stryker then activated his feat and took down Ossyan in one melee strike.  It wasn't until after the damage was done before I realized that Ossyan had his upkeep spell on him, allowing him to disengage and move 3in away before the strike could have occurred.  This would have given Stryker one more shot at killing him on the feat move.  With this in mind, Bob gets the win for this battle because of my lack of knowing my 'caster's spell and for Stryker's feat that may have won him the game.

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