Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Resolution Recap

It's the end of 2011, so it's obviously time to review the success at scaling back to reasonable and reachable goals.

Here are the goals set for 2011:
1) Finish painting my Tau BFG fleet,
2) Write up the campaign mini-dexes before March,
3) Finish painting up 25pts of Cygnar,
4) Build and paint up the 1000pt Campaign army by the start of the campaign,
and 5) my super challenges, finish painting 1500pts of a single WH40K army (either Tau, Farsight Tau, White Scars, or Grey Knights) and finish up 3k of WHFB High Elves.
And for the 6th resolution) I'll try to be better this year at posting a monthly update to my resolutions.

As you can see from earlier posts and these two pictures, I didn't quite meet them.

The Tau fleet really didn't get played all that much until Dec. The Cygnar army has had a few battles and a tourney. I don't have a fully painted 25pts, but a scattering of painted minis of about 40pts. I posted part of the campaign book back in March, but the interest on 40k has waned. I didn't touch the 40K or WHFB armies this year. A lot of dust has gathered on those models. As for posting progress, I wasn't very diligent. I'll need to post the 2012 resolutions soon.

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