Saturday, August 1, 2009

Going with the spirit of the previous posts, here's two Ork lists I'm thinking of running:

Warboss, Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole (95)

24 Boyz, 1 Nob with PK (185)
24 Boyz, 1 Nov with PK (185)
27 Grotz, 3 Runtherds (111)
10 Nobz*, 1 Painboy, 3 PKs, 'Eavy Armour, Waaagh! Banner, Stikkbomz (380)

1 Trukk as dedicated transport for Nobz, with Armour Plates (45)

Total: 89 models, 1001 pts
*The warboss allows 1 Nob squad to be taken as Troops instead of Elite

Warboss, PK, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole (95)
Big Mek, Kustom Force Field (85)

29 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ PK (215)
28 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ PK (209)
30 Grotz, 3 Runtherds (120)

11 Tankbustas, 1 Nob with PK & 'Eavy Armour, bosspole, 2x tankhammers, 3x bomb squigs (230)

1 Trukk as DT for first Boyz mob with Armour Plates (45)

Total: 104 models, 999 pts

I picked up a few materials today to make some movement lattices for my Boyz/grotz, so hopefully I won't actually be moving ~100 models each turn.


  1. Wow 100 models, looks like I didn't bring enough template weapons. I guess your going to sit on one or two objectives and send the Trukk after the other. Remind me to avoid HtH with you.

  2. Uh, why doesn't your first list add up to 1k points?

  3. For that matter your second one is also shy by about 15 pts. You might also want to check the rules on taking Trukks. Army builder won't let me add the Trukk if the Mob is more than 14 models (13 + Nob).

  4. That should be 12 models (11 + Nob).

  5. The rules on taking a dedicated transport are a little unclear in whether it can be purchased if the squad won't fit inside (trukk has a 12-model capacity) - the BRB doesn't say that it can't be done, and there's no restriction in the Ork codex listed.

  6. Page 100 of the Ork Codex says Mobs less than 12 can take a truck as a DT

  7. Hmm, somehow I missed that. Guess I'm running the Nob list, then.
