Friday, July 31, 2009

Xeno Turkey Tourney - Prizes!

The Xeno Turkey Hunter Tourney is only a couple of days away. That means we need to get the prizes in place. That would be gift cards to Game Kastle for the top 3 winners. We have a $20 card for the best general, $15 for second place, and $10 for the third best army. That doesn't mean that the others who play aren't going to get something.

From my wife's recommendation, we're going to host a BBQ, post tourney. Yep, free food for the other gamers before the winners get to eat. If we get ambitious, my crafty wife is willing to make T-shirts. The question is what image should be created? Do people want an alien colored (read green or red) turkey in crosshairs, or a robo-turkey (ala Adeptus Turkeicus)?


  1. BBQ sounds awesome. Green alien shirts would be cool.

  2. Yeah, shirts were a little ambitious. Might have been possible had we not had a child. The girl really takes away from hobby time.
