Friday, August 7, 2009

Last and most certainly least we have two armies I could run, Niddies or IG and I'm having trouble deciding, so we have two options, first Nidzilla:

Hive Tyrant, +S, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons (115)
Tyrant Guard (45)
Hive Tyrant, +S, +BS, Wings, 2XTL Devourers, Warp Field (196)

6 Genestealers, +Sv, Fleshhooks (126)
6 Genestealers, +Sv, Fleshhooks (126)
20 Spinegaunts (100)

Carnifex, +W, +WS, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Mace Tail, Bio Plasma (145)
Carnifex, +W, +WS, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Mace Tail, Bio Plasma (145)
37 minis

Or the IG, fix bayonets!
Command Squad, Vox, Master of Ordnance, 2 Bodyguards (115)

Platoon HQ, Vox, Autocannon (45)
Squad, Vox, Autocannon, Plasma Gun (80)
Squad, Vox, Autocannon, Plasma Gun (80)
Platoon HQ, Vox, Flamer (40)
Squad, Vox, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (75)
Squad, Vox, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (75)
Veteran Squad, Vox, 2 Melta Guns, Heavy Flamer, Demolitions (145)
Chimera, Multi Laser, Heavy Bolter (55)

Sentinel Squad (2), Lascannon, Heavy Flamer (90)

Leman Russ, Lascannon, Sponson Heavy Bolters, Heavy Armor (200)
72 minis


  1. Ugh, 2 Tyrants and 2 'Fexes? No thank you. I think I'd rather face the IG. That 'Nid list is going to be tough. That's not to say that your IG list is a pushover either, with all those Pie plates you get to drop. I just prefer not to shoot at big targets that won't go down.

  2. Hey the IG have only 2 Pie plates a round (plus the one shot one), by IG standards thats not that many! Or for the nids I could swap out a group of warriors if people think the two tyrants are to much, gues that would make it NidZil instead of Nidzilla

  3. It's more of my army not having any firepower to take down a 'Fex or a Tyrant in a turn (or 3). I like the odds of Lascannon vs Leman Russ, instead of 6 turns to take down 1 'Fex. But then, that might be the reason for Nidzilla and why the GK need an update.
