Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ft. Alamo Scenario - Apocalypse Battle

Another weekend of Apocalypse gaming that's coming up and I haven't seen any messages about scenarios yet, so I'm going to throw this one out:

Battle for Fort Alamo
The Imperial forces are deployed as the defenders for this mission. They are defending the remains of Fort Alamo (Objective 1) in the middle of the battlefield. Fort Alamo provides a cover save of 4+ for all defenders on the terrain. The Defenders also get to deploy the rest of the objectives (4) for the game (must be 12in away from each other). The Defenders get to place the rest of the terrain within 2 feet of Fort Alamo. No terrain can be closer than 6in from each other. The Attacker gets to place and move terrain outside of the 2 feet perimeter. The game is planned for 3-4 turns.

The Defenders also get to place their forces first, anywhere on the table. However, they don't get to move first. The Defenders do get a 3+ Cover Save for the 1st Round if in cover, a 5+ Cover Save if in the open.

The Attacker sequence of play for the 1st Round is:
  1. Preliminary Scheduled Bombardment (1 for each army/player), must be scheduled before Defenders deploy.
  2. Deployment - Deep Strikes by all infantry, jump infantry, hover vehicles, and characters. Non-hover vehicles are held in reserve for Turn 2 (except Drop Pods).
  3. Shooting Phase - All Deep Strikers are to be identified as "moved."
  4. Assault Phase - If unit is allowed to assault after deep striking
  5. Return to normal sequence after Turn 1.
This is a pseudo attempt at Planetstrike. It'll give us a feel for the new rules in our games. So far, the armies that will be played are Tyranids, Orks, 2 Space Marine armies, and Eldar. The 6th army is either Tau, Orks, or Necrons. Battle report to come afterwards.

So someone mentioned a good point about the Apocalypse Strategy Asset "Disruptor Beacon" and the various large area effect strategy effects. So, based on the size of our battlefield, all area effect items will have HALF the range listed on the card to a minimum of 12in. For example, Disrupter Beacon will go from 48in from the marker to 24in from the marker and Null Field Generator will be 18in from 36in. The Shield Generator stays at 12in from the marker. These are house rules we'll use until we start using a larger battlefield. Comments?

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