The Forces:
Cryx is lead by Pirate Queen Skarre, warjacks include Nightmare, Stalker and Deathripper, one unit of 5 mechinthralls.
Khador is lead by Sorcha, warjacks include Juggernaut and Destroyer, one unit of 4 widowmaker snipers.
The layout: Widowmakers in the forest on the Khadorian left flank. Destroyer on the right flank. Sorcha and Juggernaut in the middle. On the Cryx side, Stalker is way out in the woods on the left with the Deathripper, then comes Nightmare and the mechanithralls lined up in front of Skarre. Nightmare lays it eyes upon Juggernaut as its first Prey target.
Turn One: Cryx moves up.
On the Khadorian turn the widowmakers take the opportunity to pick off four mechanithralls. Cryx realizes the power of Khadorian marksmanship.
Turn Two: Cryx runs Stalker and Deathripper down the left flank and hide Skarre and Nightmare behind the Eldar rustic home. Skarre disposes of the last mechanithrall in a ritual sacrifice.
On the Khador side, Juggernaut moves in to capture one of the objectives. The Widowmakers and Destroyer both miss their targets (Deathripper and Stalker respectively)
Turn Three: Nightmare ghostwalks and charges the Juggernaut. With the focus boost, spells from Skarre, Skarres feat, and Prey bonuses Nightmare does significant damage to Juggernaut, ripping an arm off. Deathripper unsuccessfully channels Skarre's spells against the Widowmakers, they are experts and stealth and melt seemlessly into the forest.
Juggeranut strikes back, but ineffectually, the Destroyer fires into melee and does nothing. The widowmakers manage to deal a few points of damage to the Deathripper. Sorcha boldly moves in to deny Cryx the second objective should Juggernaut go down.
Turn Four: Nightmare finally rips Juggernaut apart in a hellish frenzy of violence. Its gaze falls upon Sorchar next as a Prey target. Deathripper retreats behind the building.
Destroyer moves in to contest the objective, but more interestingly Sorcha charges Nightmare. She deals considerable damage to the helljack but falls short of damaging any systems. She then pops her feat, icy gaze, that renders Nightmare and Skarre stationary.
Turn Five: Skarre and Nightmare both shake off their stationary statuses. Nightmare crushes Sorcha and the game ends.
Love the battle report. Scorscha doesn't ever seem to win.