I've finished the core of my new Cryx army (I sold the other ones, the paint scheme was a little too bright for me in the end). It's Halloween (in Immoren at least) and the little nasties are coming out to play. You can see pumpkins, fallen leaves and wheat that is ready for harvest scattered among the models. More pics below.
Deathripper and Stalker (I still need to clean up that wheat but otherwise, these are done)
Here's Pirate Queen Skarre and some of her mechanithralls. I took another look at her rules and she is pretty cool actually. I also have Asphyxious and Deneghra waiting for the paintbrush.
Finally, my favorite model, Nightmare. Him and that little girl are playing a little game of hide and seek. I think Nightmare won, what do you think?
Do you guys like this scheme better than the other one? I think it's more, let's say, Cryxian. Next up, Khador!
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