From this post on Jan 1st:, here's the status of my painting and building at the halfway point of the year.

My White Scars combat squad with veteran Sergeant and a power fist. Shoulder pads are painted in the 3rd Company colors. A coat of white was applied to the armor, along with gunmetal on the boltguns. Next up, more white and a couple of lightning bolts on the legs.

Here's the complete High Elf army for 7th Edition. There are 20 Archers in 2 groups of 10. The General, Hero, and mage are standing in front of the Repeating Bolt Throwers. There are 15 White Lions behind the left RBT. 11 Phoenix Guard are in the back center, and 16 Swordmasters are on the right.
Should I continue to work on the HE and get them to a legal 8th Ed setup? Or should I get relief on the resolutions and tailor them to something I can complete? Any and all comments are welcome.
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