Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Or 2010 Resolutions

Happy New Year to all. 2010 is here, so what are your resolutions? Mine are to finish off the White Scars army (build the 4 Rhino chassis and paint everyone), finish 2000pts of High Elves, and finish off 1500pts of Farsight Tau. Besides that, build a raceway piece of terrain and no more than 3 one-offs for our games. Achievable, I think except I've been building these armies for years now. 2010 is when they get finished. Anyone else want to post their resolutions and have the group hold them to it?


  1. I'm going to paint at least one mini this year.

  2. I am going to finish all the Wood Elves and Tyranids I currently own that are unpainted and/or unassembled
