Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Resolutions

I went over my 2013 Resolution status in a previous post.  For 2014, I'm going to attempt to go the opposite direction and make easier and achievable Resolutions.  I'm going to have 4 Resolutions to work to for my hobbies.

Here they are:
1) paint 2 Retribution units (non-solos),
2) build and paint a 1000pt Raven Guard Army,
3) build and paint a Christmas gift model, and
4) build and paint a Kickstarter unit (Deadzone, Robotech, or Hardsuit).

This should be far more achievable than the last couple of years.  

As an experiment, I was able to paint up a pair of WarmaHordes solos for Christmas in about a weeks time and I think I can do the same with the models I have.  Given about 40 weeks of the calendar that I can work on models, at a pace of 2 model a week, then I should be able to paint up the 15 Retribution models, 35 Raven Guard models, 1 Christmas model, and 10 Kickstarter models with some time to spare.  

In addition to time spent painting, there's also the possibility of running a Fanime panel.  That's still being developed, so stay tuned.

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