Monday, December 30, 2013


Here are the photos from Nov when I got in a quick game of X-Wing to learn the rules and maneuvers.  This is a game that is quick to pick up and quick to play.  We finished this battle in under an hour.  
This is a quick game and once you learn the basic rules, it goes that much faster.

From a basic standpoint, the Rebel Alliance has slightly more resilient starfighters, with their shields and pilots being a little better than the average Imperial pilot.  The Imperials can swarm with cheaper pilots and non-shielded starfighters.  The few battles we've played since this set of pictures has shown that the extra durability from shields gives you just a little more staying power to last the battle.  As we play more, and develop our play style, it'll be interesting to see if the Imperials will get the upper hand with their cheaper ships.

Here are the photos from Nov when I got in a quick game of X-Wing to learn the rules and maneuvers.  This is a game that is quick to pick up and quick to play.  We finished this battle in under an hour.  

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