Friday, June 21, 2013

Resolution Updates

It's been a little while since I've posted some status.  I'm working on my Raven Guard army and my Yu Jing army at the moment.  Life has been busy with my house renovations and other things.  I did get some hobby work done and here are some pictures of the work done.

Here are my Raven Guard with Forge World brass etches mounted on them.  I've added the Raven's chapter icons to them since the icon is hard to paint.  I'll be adding some additional brass etch touches to personalize each of the Battle Brothers.  The scouts won't have many upgrades.  The Scout Sergeants will have some personalized additions to differentiate the 4 sergeants.
 Here's an Assault Marine and his Raven icon.

This is the Raven Guard Chaplain with his icon attached.
It's a bit blurry, but here's an attached icon on an Assault Marine.
My 10 man Assault Squad.  The Sergeant is sporting a power fist and there are 3 plasma pistols for some added punch.
These 5 scouts are representative to the 20 miniatures 
Another picture of the 5 scouts.

I'll post pictures of the Yu Jing Infinity models later.  Here's a preview of Sun Tze and his eyes.

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