Sunday, June 2, 2013

Miniatures Anonymous

My name is Mike and I have a problem.  I can't stop buying and collecting miniatures for my wargames and for new wargames.

Everyone: Hi Mike.

My first issue is that I've always been a bit of a collector/horder before I even started collecting Games Workshop's Warhammer 40K.  You should see the Robotech Masterpiece Collection that I have.  Every Veritech Fighter that has been released by Toynami has been bought, except for the awesome Cyclones (too expensive for even me).  This is a bit of obsession that I should have considered and then stepped away from 40K.  But no, 40K was the entry level drug, leading to Warhammer Fantasy, Forge World, Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim, alternative rules, Epic, Blood Bowl, Space Hulk, Fantasy Flight Game's Horus Heresy, gaming conventions (Kublacon), Warmachine, local tournaments, and this list only looks worse.

As you can see, this is quite a list of product, since each requires an army to be built, painted, and then matched to the list and edition available.  Then comes this troublesome crowd-sourcing business known as Kickstarter.  Combine that with my original hobby and I spent too much on the Robotech RPG Tactics kickstarter (see reference:  I should also disclose the other kickstarters that I have been stalking, such as Mantic's Deadzone and Secret Weapons' Tablescapes.

As a service to my fellow gamers and hobbyists, here's a couple of links to the gaming kickstarters that haven't finished yet:
Modular Lighting:
Dogs playing D&D:
Modular Wargaming Terrain:
Mimic Miniature:

Other Kickstarters to look into that aren't gaming related:
Men's Belt:
Keychain alternative:
Illuminated Belts:

I'm not encouraging others to spend hard earned cash on trivial projects.  I'm trying to use the process to reduce my needs to spend on trivial (but exciting) projects.  Kickstarter is like ebay, just with a longer shipping time.  Thanks for the support, I'll go back to checking out the new games coming to Kickstarter.

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