Sunday, April 28, 2013

Resolution Update

I guess it's time for an update. We're through 4 months of 2013 with Robotech models in my future. I've still got Infinity, Tau, Retribution, and Cygnar to work on. However, this update is about my Raven Guard.

The bulk of the 1500 point list is the 20 Space Marine Scouts: 12 Snipers, 3 Missile Launchers, 1 Heavy Bolter, and 4 Boltguns. The rest of the confirmed army is Shadow Captain Shrike, Chaplain with plasma pistol and Jump Pack, 10 Assault Marines with 3 Plasma Pistols and a Power fist, and a Land Speeder Storm (Scout Carrier). I still need to decide on the rest of the army ( about 500 Pts). I did pick up Forge World Etched Brass to spiffy up the look.

Here's a look at the progress so far.

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