Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resolution Updates

March has been a terrible hobby month for me. I haven't done any modeling, painting, or even playing (although we did get in a single evening of Infinity at 200 points).

The new White Dwarf coming out hasn't helped. Looks like my Raven Guard need to get finished and then onto my Retribution. Otherwise, my Farsight Tau and High Elves need to get unboxed.

Rumors for Games Workshop is that High Elves will be releasing in May/June. With Tau Empire releasing in April and Code Space Marines in 3rd/4th Quarter 2013, the army books will be taking up my hobby funds.

The only hobby updates I can claim are a couple of Forge World purchases: Demiurg battleship and 2 cruisers, a pair of Aeronautica Thunderbolts, and the 2 Aeronautica books.

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