Sunday, August 26, 2012

What are we doing?

So Dave and I decided to try the Infinity ruleset. Let's start with the rules from the original European language and translating it into English and interpreting it in "American". If that didn't confuse you, try reading it again.

That was the lesson we learned. As the game moved along, we realized that this could be fast and furious. We each had 6 troop level minis. Our basic rifles had 48in range and each long range pot-shot could be deadly. Fire suppression alleys made maneuvering difficult. Terrain blocking as much of LoS as possible will allow your force to survive.

In our first game, it took an hour to end in a draw, with each down to our final model. In our second game, my Yu Jing was destroyed by long range fire in the ARO phases and during Dave's initiative as I maneuvered in the open into cover. It was a fun start and worth trying again. With a 10 model limitation per game, it isn't an extreme investment.

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