Saturday, August 25, 2012

Strollin' through the local shop

I decided to visit Game Kastle to check out the new White Dwarf and to look at a restock of bases for Infinity.

The new White Dwarf has essentially been leaked and I didn't feel a huge need to drop $10 on this issue and moved on. The Urban 40mm bases were in, so I picked them up for my Yu Jing Remotes.

What caught my attention was that a 40K Tourney was still going on at 4pm. I decided to wander by and get a glimpse at the local meta for tourneys. I also know that the 40K podcast, Independent Characters, are a local San Jose bunch that visit Game Kastle and Endgame often. So, flyers are a prerequisite. Only 2 tables of 6 had no flyers, or they were shot down by the time I walked through. It was an Allied scenario, so everyone had to have an allied force. It's odd to see that much Tau in games now. There was at least 2 Tau allies, 2 Grey Knights, 2 IG, 1 DE, 1 Nid, 1 Chaos SM, 2 Necron, 1 Ork (minis from the 80's), and the rest Codex SM. Odd combos, but I guess it's what they had.

I didn't see as many vehicles as in the past. A lot of infantry and monster models, but not too many with Hull Points. I guess this edition will be model heavy. I did get to here Challenges being issued, so that is definitely a factor in games. It does make me yearn to work on my 40K models after looking at the tourney. I'm not sure I want to drop the $107 for the new starter box yet.

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