Sunday, August 26, 2012

Infinity lessons learned

So we played our first Infinity game. Let's see how well we did for learning the rules.

What are we doing?

So Dave and I decided to try the Infinity ruleset. Let's start with the rules from the original European language and translating it into English and interpreting it in "American". If that didn't confuse you, try reading it again.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Strollin' through the local shop

I decided to visit Game Kastle to check out the new White Dwarf and to look at a restock of bases for Infinity.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Game Kastle WM/H Tournaments - Aug/Sept

Looks like WM/H tourneys are planned for Aug 18th and Sept 22nd. The 18th is Mangled Metal/Tooth and Claw at 25pts. The 22nd is a 35pt Steamroller running the Overrun Scenario, no reserves.