Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rumors

Wow. Check out the link to see the rumors: http://apocalypse40k.blogspot.com/2012/05/6th-edition-rule-and-fluff-changes-are.html?m=1. Then come back for my reaction.

My first thought was, "I'm not going to sell my armies". My second was, "When will 7th Edition arrive?".

To be honest, I think I stopped playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle because it became too much of a chore. Modeling and painting wasn't as much fun anymore. You build huge blocks of units, painted them with loving care, and then you pour them nonchalantly into a shoebox after that level 6 spell goes off irresistibly. Don't worry about paint chipping, it's battle damage and it'll help your paint score. War machines dominated the battlefield and magic took to extremes. If I wanted that, I could have gone back to D&D.

Unfortunately, 6th Edition WH40K is now rumored to look like 7th Edition WHFB. This would nearly slam the door shut on any more WH40K gaming for a while. Fast attack units would dominate the main assault units, with pre-measure and variable charge lengths. Beware of the BS 1 snap shot before you charge in. Apparently vehicles dominated the battlefields, so Hull Points are here to fix the tanks. It's still early, and these are just rumors, so take it all with a big salt lick.

In case 6th Edition rumors aren't enough, look for each of the factions to get aircraft to support your tanks.

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