Friday, May 25, 2012

Something different

So I skipped Kublacon this year for Fanime. It's been 3 years since I last went to this convention. How is this related to miniature wargaming? I don't know yet, but I'll look around to find a rationale.

Day 1
Pre-registration line has dominated the day. At some point I'll get my badge and wander through the con. Three hour wait for the badge and then an hour in the Dealer's Room. We came back with the kids for about 2 hours, wandering the Dealer's Hall, Artists Alley, and the Gaming Hall. Gaming was of the video variety. You would think someone would be playing Infinity.

Day 2
I caught Macross Frontier, The False Songstress. More Dealer's Hall and Artists Alley. A lot of Cosplay types, and most of the interesting panels are of the Steampunk variety. Two industry panels were planned, but a family event took priority.

Day 3
Macross Frontier: Wings of Goodbye was on my priority list. A couple of panels on photography and Gundam were sat through. More Cosplay watching, wandering the Dealer's and Artists Hall. Not too much to see, except for the humongous Dark Angel Space Marine from Maker Faire that made a Fanime appearance.

Day 4
No videos, attempted to sit through an Industry panel and a panel on Wonderflex. The AMV panel was cancelled. More wandering the halls.

In the end, a bit of a lackluster convention. I got in my 2 movies and a couple of panels. Bought a Robotech Beta Fighter and a Gundam model. I spent more at D&J Hobby because of their sales this weekend than at the Con. In comparison, to Kublacon, there were more things to do and the panels were more interesting at Kublacon than at Fanime. Where Kubla seminars and panels were informative, Fanime Fan Panels were full if conjecture and opinion. It was listening to trolls from forums instead of reading their comments. Maybe it'll improve next year.

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