Thursday, March 29, 2012

Warmachine night

Getting in a small 25 point battle.
It's Menoth, Mercs, and Cygnar

First game went to Mercs with a caster kill after beginning of turn 3.

Second game is Cygnar vs. Menoth. Darius is running a Tier 4 list. Cygnar pulled off a caster kill to close that battle out in 3 turns.

With the arrival of Khador, we went to a free-for-all battle with a single Caster and a single heavy Jack to each faction. This is a caster killing game. Mercs died to Menoth fire. Khador camped on his focus to armor up, but died to both Cygnar lightning and Menoth flames. Cygnar stole the game by shooting lightning at Menoth.

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