Thursday, June 30, 2011

Battlefleet Gothic stat cards

After the last few games of Warmachine, I was struck by applying the concept of having individual unit stat cards to keep track of damage, effects, etc. to other skirmish games where it might be useful. Here's my first* attempt at making some for Battlefleet Gothic, with input from Yodasluck. Printed cards are ~2.49" W x 3.48" H.

Images after the jump. Comments, as usual, are welcome.

First: A template with a legend for what the fields represent:

Second: Legend as applied to a Space Marine Battle Barge:

Third: Template/legend for escort squadrons:

Fourth: As applied to a mixed-squadron of Space Marine escorts (Gladius/Nova):

Fifth: To illustrate how things change for less-conventional ships (the Foebane and a Shroud-class Necron cruiser):

Finally, an alternate concept of laying things out horizontally. This isn't as developed as the vertical concept since we liked that one more, but this does have a few things going for it:

*First one I'm willing to show, anyways =O)

1 comment:

  1. Those look awesome. I'm considering trying something like this myself... do you have anything further on this, and what program do you use to make them?
