Monday, August 17, 2009

Space Hulk!

Bell of Lost Souls have been speculating about it.
GW workers were wearing T-shirts with Terminators and Genestealers at Games Day Germany this weekend.
It's on the Games Workshop website.

And I've got it on pre-order! Sept 5 arrival.
2 Player game, and I welcome anyone else getting it. This would be a cool, multi-player game.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Farseer Rhiantha Shelwe's Alaitoc Eldar

I whipped up this Eldar list. Should be fairly competitive and light on model count.


Farseer Rhiantha Shelwe (120 pts)


10 Dire Avengers w/ Exarch (152 pts)

w/ Wave Serpent Transport (145 pts)

5 Pathfinders (120 pts)


6 Fire Dragons (96 pts)

Heavy Support

Falcon Grav Tank (180 pts)

War Walker Squadron (3 Walkers) (180 pts)

model count: 27

Friday, August 7, 2009

Last and most certainly least we have two armies I could run, Niddies or IG and I'm having trouble deciding, so we have two options, first Nidzilla:

Hive Tyrant, +S, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons (115)
Tyrant Guard (45)
Hive Tyrant, +S, +BS, Wings, 2XTL Devourers, Warp Field (196)

6 Genestealers, +Sv, Fleshhooks (126)
6 Genestealers, +Sv, Fleshhooks (126)
20 Spinegaunts (100)

Carnifex, +W, +WS, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Mace Tail, Bio Plasma (145)
Carnifex, +W, +WS, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Mace Tail, Bio Plasma (145)
37 minis

Or the IG, fix bayonets!
Command Squad, Vox, Master of Ordnance, 2 Bodyguards (115)

Platoon HQ, Vox, Autocannon (45)
Squad, Vox, Autocannon, Plasma Gun (80)
Squad, Vox, Autocannon, Plasma Gun (80)
Platoon HQ, Vox, Flamer (40)
Squad, Vox, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (75)
Squad, Vox, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (75)
Veteran Squad, Vox, 2 Melta Guns, Heavy Flamer, Demolitions (145)
Chimera, Multi Laser, Heavy Bolter (55)

Sentinel Squad (2), Lascannon, Heavy Flamer (90)

Leman Russ, Lascannon, Sponson Heavy Bolters, Heavy Armor (200)
72 minis

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Rumor has it that there was a request to see a Daemons list. So here goes... as of tonight... possibly final... I've only changed it about 468 times so far so it's likely that I'll change it at least once more before we start playing. So I'll list a couple of possibles and a few options I might still consider.

I don't have all of the minis yet. I know, lame. So I'll have to proxy a few but I don't think it will be confusing (although it will look dumb since I'll have to proxy using a space marine or ork since that's all I have). I planned on building a few more peeps but I'm either slow or lazy or cheap or maybe a combo of those.

The Masque (100 pts) - I plan to portray her with a daemonette since I don't have her yet
Herald of Khorne w/ Iron Hide and Unholy Might (100 pts)

10 Bloodletters (160 pts) - I only have 9 if I use one as a Herald so I'll have to proxy one
10 Daemonettes (140 pts) - I only have 9 if I use one as the masque so ...

4 Flamers (140 pts) - only have 3 so I'll proxy one
4 Flamers (140 pts) - only have 3 so I'll proxy one

1 Daemon Price w/ Unholy might, Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze, Boon of Mutation, and Soul Devourer (220 pts)


Masque (100 pts)
Skulltaker (140 pts) - don't have him so i'd use the same bloodletter as the herald

10 Daemonettes (140 pts)
10 Bloodletters (160 pts)

4 Flamers (140 pts)
4 Flamers (140 pts)

1 DP with w/ Unholy might, Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze (180 pts)

I thought the Masque and Skulltaker in one battle might be far fetched but since these will be serious tournament battles they could both show. I've considered dumping the minis I'll have to proxy, like the two flamers (since I only have 6) and spending the points on bolt of tzeentch or something else but I'm happier with 8 so I'll probably just fake them. My daemon prince also might end up as tzeentch or slaanesh (he doesn't really look like either). I sort of like having a "leader" from Khorne, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch since I have units from each but I'm not stuck on that. I've also considered using that mini as a Keeper of Secrets (I might still) or briefly as Skarbrand (but I won't do that).

Whatever happens I'll have about 30 guys and it will be something close to the lists above.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Going with the spirit of the previous posts, here's two Ork lists I'm thinking of running:

Warboss, Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole (95)

24 Boyz, 1 Nob with PK (185)
24 Boyz, 1 Nov with PK (185)
27 Grotz, 3 Runtherds (111)
10 Nobz*, 1 Painboy, 3 PKs, 'Eavy Armour, Waaagh! Banner, Stikkbomz (380)

1 Trukk as dedicated transport for Nobz, with Armour Plates (45)

Total: 89 models, 1001 pts
*The warboss allows 1 Nob squad to be taken as Troops instead of Elite

Warboss, PK, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole (95)
Big Mek, Kustom Force Field (85)

29 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ PK (215)
28 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ PK (209)
30 Grotz, 3 Runtherds (120)

11 Tankbustas, 1 Nob with PK & 'Eavy Armour, bosspole, 2x tankhammers, 3x bomb squigs (230)

1 Trukk as DT for first Boyz mob with Armour Plates (45)

Total: 104 models, 999 pts

I picked up a few materials today to make some movement lattices for my Boyz/grotz, so hopefully I won't actually be moving ~100 models each turn.