Monday, December 30, 2013

Mantic Deadzone, Kickstarter

This is one of the items I backed on Kickstarter.  It's a board game with miniatures and a derivative of Warpath, from Mantic Games.
I got this box in via FedEx before Christmas.  This box is huge. It doesn't carry everything that I had invested in, but Mantic has been providing updates about what is in the box, what will be coming in Wave 2, and how they managed expectations as their schedule was getting close.  This is one of the few Kickstarters that did run on time, if not a bit early.

There are 4 factions in the game, with Enforcer and Plague being the primary factions.  The Marauder and Rebs are additional factions that can be used.  It'll be interesting to see if this is how Warpath will expand or if Deadzone is the Warpath future.

I'll post pictures of the miniatures soon.

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