I have decided that chit based games are not my thing. A number of the board games being played are chit based. They are small and abstract.
This year's 40k tourney is a bit disappointing compared to their predecessors of 2011 and 2010. There were 15 tables, 30 players (2011 had twice as many, easily) and not any outstanding paint jobs. Predominately, it was Necrons, Tau, and Nids. Not that many space marines of any flavor. There were almost the same amount of Flames of War players as 40k ones.
The Tier 3 WarmaHordes tourney had about a dozen players, with plenty of Colossals, Hordes version of Collossals, and battle engines to battle it out.
This year feels like fewer people were coming to the Convention. It's not as tight feeling, even though the parking was packed.
I did watch a demo of X-wing. This is a simple and addictive game. At tourney scale, it's played at 100-150 points (about 8-10 basic TIE fighters). The demo I was watching was the Falcon and 3 X-wings against Slave 1, Vader, and 4 TIEs with special characters and weapons, approximately 200-250 points per side.
I'm going to check out the Gundam homebrew and then to the Secret Weapons seminar on weathering.
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