Monday, April 2, 2012

Warmachine Tiered Army

Game Kastle has planned a 35 point Warmahordes Steamroller tournament on April 21. The rules are only tiered armies and the only mission is Demolition from the 2012 tourney pack. The question to be posed is: What tiered lists should I consider?

I'm leaning toward a shooty Blaize list and a Darius list, but I'm getting more proficient with pStryker to consider him.

Here are the lists under consideration:

Army Name: Blaize T4 A
Theme Force: Army of Light Tier 4
35+6 points, 22 models

Constance Blaize +6 points
* 2x Charger 4 points each
* Gallant 9 points

Journeyman Warcaster 3 points
* Hunter 6 points

Archduke Alain Runewood 3 points
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One 2 points
6 Precursor Knights 5 points
6 Precursor Knights 5 points
* Precursor Knight Officer & Standard

Additional Rules:
Harlan Versh gains Advance Deployment.
Precursor Knights and Sword Knights gain +2 SPD during your first turn.
Heavy warjacks in Blaize's battlegroup without ranged weapons gain Advance Move.

Army Name: Darius T4 A
Theme Force: Wrecking Crew Tier 4
35+5 points, 26 models

Captain E. Dominic Darius +5 points
* Centurion 8 points
* Thunderhead 11 points

Journeyman Warcaster 3 points
* Defender 8 points

6 Sword Knights 4 points
10 Sword Knights 6 points
* Sword Knight Officer & Standard

Additional Rules:
Models in Darius' battlegroup gain Pathfinder during first turn.
Add 2" to your deployment.

Army Name: Darius T4 B
Theme Force: Wrecking Crew Tier 4
35+5 points, 27 models

Captain E. Dominic Darius +5 points
* Ironclad 6 points
* Thunderhead 11 points
* Squire 2 points

Journeyman Warcaster 3 points
* Defender 8 points

6 Sword Knights 4 points
10 Sword Knights 6 points
* Sword Knight Officer & Standard

Additional Rules:
Models in Darius' battlegroup gain Pathfinder during first turn.
Add 2" to your deployment.

Army Name: eStryker T4 A
Theme Force: Charge of the Storm Brigade Tier 4
35+6 points, 22 models

Lord Commander Stryker +6 points
* 2x Stormclad 9 points each

Major Katherine Laddermore 5 points
3 Storm Lances 7 points
Stormblades 5 points
Stormblades 5 points
* Stormblade Officer & Standard
* 1 Stormblade Storm Gunner 1 point

Additional Rules:
Laddermore and Storm Lances deploy during Advance Deployment.
Add 2" to your deployment.

Army Name: pStryker T4 A
Theme Force: Combined Arms Tier 4
35+6 points, 26 models

Commander Coleman Stryker +6 points
* 2x Lancer 6 points each
* Ol' Rowdy 9 points

10 Long Gunners 10 points
10 Long Gunners 10 points
* Long Gunner Officer & Standard

Additional Rules:
Add +1 to your starting game roll.
Friendly models/units can begin the game affected by Stryker's upkeep spells.

I'd love to hear some opinions.

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