Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dec X-Mas game

We got in our X-Mas game this year with some Infinity gaming. We also got in some Warmachine.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November Gaming

It's November again and it was time for our signature event: Turkey Battle. This year was a scenario for Infinity.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Infinity Nomads

I got some Infinity models from the Nomad faction: 3 Bakunin Moderators, 1 Reverend Moira, 1 Sin-Eater Observant, 2 Zeros, 2 Zondbots, 1 Doctor. I definitely love these models: very sleek and the non-heroic 28mm scale looks really good, to my eye anyways. I'll paint these up soon and post when they're done.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Infinity lessons learned

So we played our first Infinity game. Let's see how well we did for learning the rules.

What are we doing?

So Dave and I decided to try the Infinity ruleset. Let's start with the rules from the original European language and translating it into English and interpreting it in "American". If that didn't confuse you, try reading it again.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Strollin' through the local shop

I decided to visit Game Kastle to check out the new White Dwarf and to look at a restock of bases for Infinity.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Game Kastle WM/H Tournaments - Aug/Sept

Looks like WM/H tourneys are planned for Aug 18th and Sept 22nd. The 18th is Mangled Metal/Tooth and Claw at 25pts. The 22nd is a 35pt Steamroller running the Overrun Scenario, no reserves.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Forge World Announcement!

Forge World just made their announcement that everyone has been waiting for and assumed it was coming. It's not this wouldn't be a huge money maker for Games Workshop.

Officially planned for release in the Autumn of 2012: The Horus Heresy Book 1. Plan your budgets accordingly.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Yes, it is that heavy.

Ok, I broke down. Discounted to $60, i bit the bullet in Modesto.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Brushing off the dust

With 6th Edition Warhammer 40K arriving on Sat, it might be time to dust off some Tau and White Scars.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

June Wargaming

A little Warmachine gaming. Some rules mistakes, and a lot of learning new rules.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Warmachine Campaign rules, Part 1

The first half-draft of the proposed metacampaign rules for the Warmachine campaign can be found on Google Docs here. Parts of it might seem familiar.

Comments, questions, suggestions per the usual channels.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Something different

So I skipped Kublacon this year for Fanime. It's been 3 years since I last went to this convention. How is this related to miniature wargaming? I don't know yet, but I'll look around to find a rationale.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

GW yearly price increase

Looks like this year's price bump is here. It's averaging at 15% increase from current costs. This one caught my eye: Storm Raven went from $66 to $82.50. Realize that the Forge World Storm Talon is £80, or at 1.57 exchange, $125. I think I'm going with the prettier FW version if I'm plopping down that type of change.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rumors

Wow. Check out the link to see the rumors: Then come back for my reaction.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

GK Tournament Meta

I've been to two WarmaHordes tournaments at Game Kastle. Both were of the 35 point Steamroller variety and included different people at both events. Between those two matches was a tourney that I visited and Bob played in. There should be enough experiences to consider possible army builds for the next GK Steamroller.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Steamroller, Tiered style

The Steamroller tourney has come and gone. Seven players came and threw down. Almost all were Hordes players, only 3 were Warmachine. Of the three, two were Cygnar, Blaize and Darius for me, eHaley and Nemo for Bob. The last player was a Khador player that I didn't play.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Practice game 1

Here's Khador Tier 1 with eIrusk versus Cygnar Blaize Tier 4.

This was a 5 turn slugfest. By Turn 3, Khador should have won by either getting one of the Control Points or assassinate Blaize. The dice turned on Khador when he tried to finish off Blaize. He also missed a chance to get one of the CPs when he concentrated on killing Blaize.

The reprieve for Cygnar let them survive for another 2 turns and control one of the Monoliths while keeping Khador from controlling the other one. This forced tiebreaker scoring and Cygnar pulled off the time-limit win. Blaize was left with 2 health boxes and Irusk had 8 left after a double-barrelled blast from a Charger in turn 5.

Lessons learned:
1. Stick with your plan, don't change it if you can capture a CP.
2. Protect your Warcasters.
3. Know your special rules, to save time
4. Plan your Focus allocation in advance.
5. Use spells as needed. You don't need to force their use.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Darius Tier 4

Here's a couple of pictures of part of my Darius Tier 4 battlegroup:

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tutorial: Wet Palette

In the pursuit of improving my painting and increasing my productivity, I've been experimenting with a wet palette. I did some research online, from making my own to buying a professional one.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Warmachine Tiered Army

Game Kastle has planned a 35 point Warmahordes Steamroller tournament on April 21. The rules are only tiered armies and the only mission is Demolition from the 2012 tourney pack. The question to be posed is: What tiered lists should I consider?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Night Fights

The Mercs and Cygnar battlegroups have decided that a little evening battle would be fun.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Warmachine night

Getting in a small 25 point battle.
It's Menoth, Mercs, and Cygnar

Monday, March 26, 2012

2012 Resolutions update

Here's a quick set of pictures of my Cygnar Sword Knights. This is a full up squad with unit attachment (8 points total).

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New GW Paints - 1st Impressions

I wandered down to GW Oakridge today as part of my time at the mall. They had 8 special paint stations set up to demo the a sampling of the new paints.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2012 Resolutions

It's March and I'm late with my 2012 resolutions. It's a bit of a retread.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday

So it's been 25 years for the little game that could. The reality is that it's more like the Imperial Empire and less grassroots. I've been in the hobby for the last 8 years, modeling, painting, and gaming off and on. The 17 prior years, I've known about the game. I've seen it transform from the 1980's cyberpunk grim dark future to the 1990's gothic grim dark, to the 2000's gothic/steampunk grim dark. I've also learned how to paint from thick globs to thin coats to competing at Kublacon in the speed painting contest. Green stuff patching and molding isn't as scary anymore. Custom casting is easier after a year or two of trying. I haven't played or hobbied much in the 40k world, but I haven't left it behind. I'll be there for the next milestone.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

BFG again

So Imperials and Tau went at it again. As one sided as the last battle was, this was was just as definitive.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

San Luis Obispo Trip - Captain Nemo

So I'm reprinting what I wrote over at for my Disney trip. We hit up SLO on the way back from the Mouse House, and I was able to enjoy a couple of minutes inside Nemo's to pickup some miniatures. San Luis Obispo's used games, comics, and music store. It was there when I was going to the University from 1993-1999. It's moved a couple of times, with it's present location across from the Spike's Bar and a block away from the Thursday Night Farmer's Market. There is more parking now, which helps when you want to stop by.