Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why I still play the game

If anyone has spent any time on BoLS or the various other 40k related blogs, you may have noticed a change in tone lately. It seems like the enjoyment of reading the posted opinions and articles has been drained. There are plenty of posters and blog article authors who are out to intentionally fire up the masses, along with the obligatory bashing between fluffy versus competitive, GW 40k versus all newcomers (Warpath, Warmahordes, etc), and 40k versus GW games.

40k is my third foray into miniature wargaming, Battletech was my first. Battletech has all the same things that 40k has, iconic images, video games, cartoon, novels, fluff about the imperfect galaxy, and lost technology. What finally put it in hiatus was the collapse of FASA gaming and the silly "re-imaging" effort to reset the storylines. It didn't help that there wasn't anyone to play with.

My second adventure was into Dream Pod 9's worlds, specifically into Jovian Chronicles with a couple of Heavy Gear games. The love affair ended when DP9 support ended for JC and no others were interested in playing.

40k came around about 8 years ago. It arrived as a birthday gift in the form of a Tau codex and XV15 squad leader. Since then, I've identified my obsession with collecting and army list building. 40K, Fantasy Battle, Epic, and Battlefleet Gothic systems have been played and collected. With all that's collected over the past decade, it still surprises me that I haven't played 40K in over a year.

Warmachine has been the latest obsession. It's been fun and different than 5th Ed 40K and 8th Ed WHFB, but I do miss the 40K fluff.

What's the point, you ask. The points are that I still collect all the different games if I like it, I haven't sold my collections, and when I get a chance to play some of the older systems I enjoy the nostalgia of it. It has nothing to do with the metagame discussions.

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