Friday, February 15, 2013

Resolution update

I didn't think that I would be able to paint or build another WH40K army for a couple of more years, but Groupoftrees convinced me to pull out the 3+ armor save dudes and find a 1500 point list to try out 6th Edition. Originally, I was going to use my built White Scars army, but the task to make updated bases for the whole army was a bit too daunting. While I was looking for bitz to work on the White Scars, a bag of metal scouts fell on me. Searching through the contents, I realized that I found the minis for my 3rd Company Raven Guard (4th edition). This was a Scout heavy force with an Assault squad and Chaplain doing the heavy lifting, a list that was marginal in 4th and unplayable in 5th. With 6th here, foot lists are coming back so I thought this might be worth a stroll. Supporting Shrike, a Chaplain, and an Assault Squad of 10 is the 3 Sniper Scout Squads with a Missile Launcher and the bolter scouts with a heavy bolter. Two Land Speeder Storms and 2 Terminator combat squads complete the task force of 1500-points.

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