Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Practice game 1

Here's Khador Tier 1 with eIrusk versus Cygnar Blaize Tier 4.

This was a 5 turn slugfest. By Turn 3, Khador should have won by either getting one of the Control Points or assassinate Blaize. The dice turned on Khador when he tried to finish off Blaize. He also missed a chance to get one of the CPs when he concentrated on killing Blaize.

The reprieve for Cygnar let them survive for another 2 turns and control one of the Monoliths while keeping Khador from controlling the other one. This forced tiebreaker scoring and Cygnar pulled off the time-limit win. Blaize was left with 2 health boxes and Irusk had 8 left after a double-barrelled blast from a Charger in turn 5.

Lessons learned:
1. Stick with your plan, don't change it if you can capture a CP.
2. Protect your Warcasters.
3. Know your special rules, to save time
4. Plan your Focus allocation in advance.
5. Use spells as needed. You don't need to force their use.

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