Monday, May 31, 2010

KublaCon Weekend

KublaCon was this weekend and it was a long weekend. Two Warhammer 40k Tourneys were held, and one Warhammer Fantasy Battle Tourney. There were also all kinds of games being played; miniatures, paper, and Legos based. I went around to the 40k Tourney on Sat and was lucky enough to be there when everyone left for lunch, so I took pictures of every army set up for the painting competition (which I'll post later). On Sunday, I did the same thing with the Fantasy games, but missed getting all the armies because they started a little earlier after lunch. On Sunday, they also had a 4ok campaign/tourney at the 2k level. A couple of different players came to that one and I took a couple of pics of those armies.

Besides the Warhammer things, there were the LARPs, tabletop RPGs, tabletop games, historical minis, Warmachine, and hobby games/activities. I sat in on a couple of modeling seminars and a game building seminar. Some of it was what I was looking for, some of it was not what I looking for. The Dealer's room wasn't too bad, really aimed at the gamer crowd. The exotic items included scale-fleet battles like Harpoon 4 and a custom 6 foot by 4 foot dining room table/hidden game table by Geek Chic ( There's also the more mundane, GW boxes and FoW sets.

Some of the things I picked up included 3 battlemechs for Classic Battletech, 2+ bricks of new dice (hopefully not cursed), some big foam dice for the daughter, a dice tower at the dealer's room. From the Flea Market, I broke down and picked up a Sisters of Battle Army (about 30 minis, 2 Rhinos, and 1 Immolator and more Tau; 2 Devilfish, a Hammerhead, Fire Warriors, Kroot, Stealth Squad, and a Crisis Suit Commander. Didn't really need more Tau, but I couldn't really help myself when it was all for $60.

More to come later.

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