Thursday, June 30, 2011

Battlefleet Gothic stat cards

After the last few games of Warmachine, I was struck by applying the concept of having individual unit stat cards to keep track of damage, effects, etc. to other skirmish games where it might be useful. Here's my first* attempt at making some for Battlefleet Gothic, with input from Yodasluck. Printed cards are ~2.49" W x 3.48" H.

Images after the jump. Comments, as usual, are welcome.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Grey Knight Codex - Fast Attack

This is the second to last Grey Knight review. This one is about the Fast Attack options in the book: the Interceptor Squad and the Stormraven Gunship.

Interceptor Squad
This is the special "jump infantry" that the Grey Knights deploy. They are the ones that have the personal teleporters to move them around the battlefield. They do get a one-time special ability to move 30 inches anywhere from their origin point. From a fluff standpoint, what's the downside from teleporting? The question is, why isn't it on Terminators or Paladins and only on standard power armor troops? This is really to provide the Grey Knights a mobile infantry force and a game mechanic. It really means that the Eldar Warp Spiders have now met their cousins. The depiction does bring to mind of a pair of 1980's movies: Back to the Future and The Ghostbusters. Grey Knights using "unlicensed nuclear accelerators" and a "flux capacitor" to personally teleport them throughout the battlefield. From game play, it might have some uses, but from a fluff review, it doesn't pass the test.

Stormraven Gunship
It's fast, it's a skimmer, and its got AV12 all around. Did I mention it's also got 2 Twin-Linked weapons ports, armor that negates melta damage bonuses, and 4 missiles to boot? If I did, then I also forgot about the 12 man and dreadnought cargo space it has. It's the ultimate minivan. Of all the additions to be added to the Grey Knights, this one entry doesn't bother me. The GK should be swooping in onto a target and deploy. A Thunderhawk Gunship would be too large and unwieldly in the gaming mechanics, so this fits into the niche quite nicely. My only issue is that for such a good game design, the model itself doesn't fulfil the visuals one might imagine the Stormraven to be.

That's it for the Fast Attack. Next is the Heavy Support.