Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mercs versus Scyrah

It's a sunny Saturday and we laid out 35pts of shooty Scyrah and mass infantry of Mercs.  Lord Ossyan led this force.  The Mercs were a force of specialists, with the McBain, Kayazy Assassins, Alexia Ciannor and the Risen, and Cylena Raefyll and Nyss Hunters.  No pictures from this fight.

This was an ugly game, with tricks being thrown around on both sides.  Kayazy Eliminators and Mage Hunter Solos faced off on the flank.  The Nyss Hunters charged their Mage Hunter Strike Force opposites, only to fall from the volume of crossbow bolts and swords.  Alexia fell to a charging Phoenix Myrmidon, losing her life and all of her Risen in one strike.  The battle ended with the Phoenix charging into McBain after leaving combat to finish McBain off before the Mercs won on scenario.