Saturday, August 28, 2010

Resolution 2010 Ends

This officially ends my chances of reaching my 2010 hobby resolutions, with none of my 40k projects completed and over 50% of my High Elves painted for 7th Edition play. I broke my left thumb on Thursday, basically ending any chance of painting clean lines.

Here's the recap of all the hobby items, and I'll update this again in Dec:
High Elves - 20 archers, 11 Phoenix Guardsmen, and 16 Swordmasters are over 80% complete and need their final 2 layers, bases, and detailing to complete. 15 White Lions are about 50% complete. The Lords and Heroes are about 80% complete. Another 20 archers still need to be undercoated. The Dragon and the Eagles need to be build/greenstuffed before undercoating.

White Scars - 5 man Combat Squad is about 70% complete. Test unit for painting white techniques. The rest of the army is undercoated white.

Farsight Tau - Haven't been worked on this year. Maybe next year.

Tau BFG - All but the Emissary Cruisers are basecoated black. Half of the fleet have a layer of Shadow Grey applied.

Tau Aeronautica Imperialis - 4 Tau Barracudas basecoated and a layer of Shadow Grey.

Warmachine - Cygnar warcaster undercoated and 1st 2 layers applied.

Next year, I'll set more realistic goals...