Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kublacon - Painting Competition

Just a couple of pictures from the painting competition (outside of the GW tourney). Enjoy.

Kublacon - Historical Wargaming

A couple of pictures of the historical wargaming.

Kublacon - WHFB Armies

Here's the fantasy pictures I took. That's a working river on the skull/chaos display. Having a nice display setup got you an additional painting point. Next up, more historical wargaming pics.

Kublacon 2010 - WH40K Armies

Here are some of my 40k pictures from Kublacon. Next up, Fantasy battle. Enjoy.

Kublacon 2010

Finally getting around to posting pictures from Kublacon. Enjoy.

Some historical wargaming to start with. The jungle board was a WW2 marine landing. The planes were part of a homebrew WW2 system. What is pictured below is a 1/60th scale RC tank game (also WW2) between a platoon of Shermans and a platoon of Panzers.

Monday, June 14, 2010

8th Edition? Maybe not

Looks like the prices for 8th edition WHFB is out. Check out at BoLS. The big red book is priced at $75US. When rulebooks cost that much, it's going to drive the gamers from playing...Looks like I'm sticking to 7th edition until I get 8th on sale somewhere.