Sunday, September 27, 2009

Halloween Scenarios

Here's a few scenarios El Rey de Taco Bell and I have put together for your consideration.

Zombies! (LCHH)
ZombIIes! (XTH)

The latter document has three scenarios, each written with the idea to be compatible with both 40k and Fantasy skirmish (though the Basic Rules were shamelessly ripped inspired by Lord Chihuahua's doc, which is more 40K). I imagine the first doc is probably cross-compatible with Fantasy as well, with a bit of tweaking.

Comments/suggestions can be left in the comments or conducted via email. I'll be tweaking my scenarios (or possible adding more) over time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More scenarios

A few more scenarios for your perusal and enjoyment:
Underwater battle
Space boarding action

And then a not-so-serious one:
Snark hunt!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

As our next game is coming up on the 19th, it's time to decide in which system we're going to be playing. I've put up a new poll on the side. If you have another idea, post a comment here.